
The games industy is vast, spreading over PC, browser, and mobile platforms with various ways to download or play them. This section covers news from the top gaming developers and publishers, as well as some tips on how to install and configure them.

Wiimote 3D Widget Desktop

I knew we were going to see more PC and Wiimote mashups this year. After being able to play several shooters on the pc with the remote it was only a matter of time until someone would introduce applications or even a complete user interface utilizing the Wiimote.

Improve Team Fortress 2 Textures

Team Fortress 2 is an awesome game. If you are a gamer who loves sharp textures you might find the following console command for Team Fortress 2 useful. The command is mat_picmip -0.9 and has the effect that the textures in the game look much sharper than before.

Play TV Shows online

If you ever wanted to be a guest in one of those famous tv shows such as Deal or no Deal, Who wants to be a Millionaire or Blockbusters. WeDigTV, the World's first TV2 Network, lets you play these shows and a couple more blending show footage with interactivity.

Speed up all Source Engine Games

Source Engine games are Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike Source and others. Those games, or better part of those games, can get internally defragmented and can't be optimized using a software that defragments Windows hard drives. It is a good idea to defragment those games regularly to speed them up.

Bloodpatch for Team Fortress 2 German

Team Fortress 2 is a great game. I play the beta regularly with some of my friends. The German version of Team Fortress 2 puts players at a serious disadvantage though. There is no blood in the game which means that German players do not know if they hit an enemy or not because the blood has simply been removed without adding some other means proof that the enemy was hit.

Weekend Fun Poizoned Mind

Poizoned Mind is an entry to the B-Game Competition held at The Independent Gaming Source which, judging from the looks of it, seems to be one of the better games of the competition. It reminds me of those classic adventures like Guild of Thieves and The Pawn which were among the first to combine text with beautiful images to support the story of the adventure.

Weekend Fun Synaesthete

Synaesthete is one of those trendy arena shooters that bombard the player with a splendid mixture of color and sound while keeping the game mechanism as simply as possible. The task of the player is to destroy all enemies in an level to be able to cross the bridge to the next level.

Play Team Fortress 2 now

I was really looking forward to play Team Fortress 2 once it came out on October 10th and decided to read a lot of news regarding that release to be up to date. My heart began to beat like hell when I realized that it was possible to make the purchase at an discount right away and be eligible to play the Team Fortress 2 beta right away.


Fortress Forever, a Team Fortress Classic mod for Half Life 2

For people who enjoyed Team Fortress Classic and maybe even still play it, there is a new multi-player modification out for Half Life 2 called Fortress Forever.

Team Fortress 2 Videos

It has been a long time ago that I was addicted to a multiplayer shooter. The game back then was Unreal Tournament and I have yet to witness a game as addictive, as fun and exciting as the original UT 99. Team Fortress 2 could be that game judging from the trailers, class videos and gameplay movies that I have seen so far.

Weekend Fun Arachnos

This episode of Weekend Fun at Ghacks is reviewing a straight 2D shooter called Arachnos that reminds me of those old Gradius titles that I loved to play back then on the SNES. You choose the type of weapon that your ship is equipped with and realize that this will be a hell of a ride after the first waves of enemy hit the screen.

Weekend Fun Fate by Numbers

Do you love both episodes of the Max Payne game ? Did you also enjoy playing old Sierra classic adventures such as Gabriel Knight 2 and Phantasmagoria which can be best described as interactive movies ? You will enjoy playing Fate by Numbers if you answered both questions with yes.

Are ad supported free games the future ?

Would you play ad supported games if they were free ? I think the main question that has be to answered before you can give me an answer is the way the ads are displayed. Are they only shown during startup or ingame as well ? This is unfortunately a question that I can't answer right now but I can post links to some ad supported games by Ubisoft - full versions of course.

Command And Conquer Gold Full Game Download

As part of the ongoing celebration of the 12th anniversary of the Command and Conquer series EA decided to make the game Command and Conquer Gold freely available to the community. Both iso images - one for GDI and one for NOD - that are available on the official website and numerous other download sites have a size of about 550 Megabyte and are fully compatible with Windows XP.

Weekend Fun Hero Quest

I remember when the Hero Quest boardgame came out. We, some friends and I, immediately grabbed a copy of the game and began to play it several weekends in a row creating our own adventures after a while.

Weekend Fun Ghouls and Ghosts Remix

Ghouls and Ghosts was the second game in the Ghosts and Goblins series by Capcom. The story was recycled from the first part of the series: You are the shiny knight Arthur who is on a quest to restore souls stolen by Lucifer including the soul of the princess Prin Prin who happens to be your bride.

Weekend Fun The Jeluvian Project

The game for this weekend is called The Jeluvian Project which is a tactical top down shooter with nice visuals and a compelling storyline. The Jeluvian Project is a game that takes time to master and the excellent tutorial helps you understand game mechanics and prepares you for the real battles that lie ahead.

Sauerbraten Summer Edition

Sauerbraten Summer Edition is an ego shooter that was created with the Open Source engine Cube 2. The game features single- and multiplayer game modes and looks incredible if you consider that this is an Open Source project and not a commercial one. The single player part of the game reminds me a little bit of games like Serious Sam and the original Quake games.

Weekend Fun Stranded 2

Have you asked yourself what you would do if you were in a situation like the castaway Robinson Crusoe, the famous protagonist of Daniel Dafoe's novel ? What would be your first task, find water, food or shelter ? How would you fight of wild animals, make fire or create tools ?

Weekend Fun Punishment 1 and 2

Don't worry about the game title. Punishment is definitely not a punishment because it is really a unique experience. One of those games that does not look good but makes it up with incredible gameplay. Another one of those games that prove that graphics mean crap if the gameplay rocks.

Seven entertaining unique Flashgames

I love to play flashgames when I'm on breaks or have some time at hand. The best thing in my opinion is that they are most of the time short enough to entertain you for a few minutes and that they can even motivate non-gamers to give it a try.. or two.

Weekend Fun A Tale of Two Kingdoms

A Tale of Two Kingdoms is a graphic adventure for Windows PCs and Linux that reminds me a lot of old classic Sierra adventures such as Kings Quest or Leisure Suit Larry. […]

Weekend Fun Fighting Fantasy Project

I read several Fighting Fantasy books when I was younger and it was always pure excitement because it was possible to direct the story in a certain way. Let me explain the principle if you have never heard about Fighting Fantasy before. The books were about 400 pages in size telling a fantasy story that reminded of Dungeons and Dragons or Tolkien books.

Video Game Systems Modchip Hysteria

Modchips are evil and are the main reason that the game developers are making less money than they should. This is the number one argument against modchips brought forth by a phalanx of game developers, Industry lobbyists and government officials. The question remains if this holds true or if there are other motives behind using modchips on video game systems.

Five Free Games for Geeks

I'm sometimes surprised by the release of an excellent game created by independent developers. You can tell that those developers love their games which is probably the number one difference between games from companies who earn a living from developing them.

Weekend Fun Open Arena

The year is 1999. Two shooters are competing for the crown of the ultimate shooter. Their names: Unreal Tournament and Quake III Arena. I have to admit that I fell in love with Unreal Tournament and did not play Quake III Arena that much which was still a good game but not that good, hehe.

My Nintendo Wii Highlights for 2007

I'm really happy that I decided to buy a Nintendo Wii. It is the ideal system if you like to play games with 1-3 friends instead of playing them alone. I was very interested in the E3 2007 announcements for the Nintendo Wii and decided to write about my top picks for the Nintendo Wii that come out this year.

Weekend Fun Space Interceptor

You have to hurry if you want to grab the game Space Interceptor because it is a budget game which is available for free today at the Game Giveaway of the day website. The normal price of the game is $19.99 and you can download it free today without registering somewhere or giving away personal information.

Weekend Fun Freddy Pharkas

Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist was an adventure in four acts created by Al Lowe, the creator of the Leisure Suit Larry series, for Sierra On-line back in the days when adventures were one of the hottest genres on the planet. This game is a usual Sierra On-line with stunning graphics, sounds and a point system that rewards you for puzzles solved (and gets you crazy if you miss some points and can't find the way to get them).

Weekend Fun Alien Breed Obliteration

The Alien Breed series was a successful action game series on the Commodore Amiga back in the good old days and several guys decided that it would be great to rewrite Alien Breed '92 from scratch and make it available on PC's as well. The game has been released for some time and really catches the Amiga spirit.

Weekend Fun Purgatorio

The game for this weekend is a rather dark adventure called Purgatorio created with the Adventure Game Studio. It features an Irish soldier of the peacekeeping forces who gets shot in his arm during active duty only to wake up wounded in a strangely familiar looking town not able to remember how he went there.

desktop tower defense

Desktop Tower Defense Upgrade

The popular Desktop Tower Defense game has been upgraded from version 1 to 1.5 bringing new excitement and frustration to the already excellent game. Several new enemies and towers have been included that make the game more enjoyable although I think that it did not rise in difficulty that much.

I can only talk about the medium mode that I tried today which I passed at first try and the challenge mode to beat 100 levels which is tough as always. I was not able to beat the challenge mode though, it becomes extremely difficulty at levels 75+ at least with the strategies that I have tried.

The five most embarassing ways to die in an FPS

I had a good laugh when I read the article "The five most embarassing ways to die in an FPS" which describes five entertaining (for the others) and embarassing (for the one being killed) ways to die in first person shooters.

I have been playing pro level Unreal Tournament for about two years and it was always a pleasure to witness an embarassing death. Unreal Tournament however was not the only game that I was playing. I also enjoyed Quake 3 Arena, Counter Strike (Source) and many other PC shooters.

Weekend fun Starshine

Starshine is a neat little browser game suitable for all ages. It is a relaxing addictive puzzle game with 50 levels. The screen consists of a outer ring that is used to fire one shooting star at neatly placed stars that send out additional shooting stars. You need to create a chain reaction to hit all stars of the level with your shooting star.

Hurrican Final a Turrican Remake

Turrican was one of the great plattform shooters on the Commodore 64 featuring awesome music, gameplay and graphics. It spawned numerous successful sequels and a group of enthusiasts decided to create a Turrican remake which they called Hurrican. They began working on the remake five years ago and released the final version today.

Weekend Fun Vector Tower Defense

It is Friday again and as usual I'm writing about one great game for the weekend that will keep you occupied for hours or even days. This time it is another Tower Defense type of game. These games have become extremely popular in the online community and we will most likely see a lot of those games in the next months.

Vector TD is a better Tower Defense game. Your objective is to destroy the enemy vectors before they can reach the exit of the level. You loose one life for every vector that reaches the exit. The game ends when you have no lives left or when you beat all the levels of the game.

Weekend Fun JRisk

When I was a child I played Risk many times with my friends. I could not get enough of this game. We even created our own house rules to make the game more exciting. I have been playing JRisk every now and then since it was released and think that it is a nice Risk clone with some great features.

What I really like about is that you have the choice to either download it or play it on the developers website. You do need Java to play the game but this should be installed on most computers anyway. The version that can be downloaded should be best suited for most users because it plays definitely faster and has an option to save and load games.

Play the original Lemmings in your browser

I enjoyed the original Lemmings game on my Commodore Amiga 500 but lost interest when the series evolved. Let me explain the rules in case you never heard about Lemmings before. Your task is to complete all the levels of the game by directing enough Lemmings from the entrance of the level into the level exit.

Weekend Fun Trackmania Nations

Trackmania Nations is a free racing game for Windows that distinguishes itself from normal racing games by introducing a number of additional elements to the tracks. Do you remember Stunt Car Racer for instance ? The game where you were driving through loopings and made big jumps across the screen.

This game introduces all those elements again to a racing game but provides normal tracks as well. You may start with the 90 solo missions that remind me a little bit of the Gran Turismo missions. They are divided into Beginner, Advanced and Expert Training missions and award medals if you beat the tracks in a certain amount of time. This alone is very challenging.

Weekend Fun Last Scenario Game

If you are looking for a great roleplaying game for the weekend you should definitely take a look at the excellent Last Scenario game. It reminds me a lot of those old SNES and Sega Genesis roleplaying games that were so much fun to play back then.

Last Scenario puts you in charge of a self proclaimed town protector named Hilbert who is nothing more than a boy at the beginning of the game who is soon to become the savior of the world. If this sounds a little bit to cliched for your taste you should wait and see how the story unfolds.



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