Weekend Fun Punishment 1 and 2

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 17, 2007
Updated • Nov 8, 2017

Don't worry about the game title. Punishment is definitely not a punishment because it is really a unique experience. One of those games that does not look good but makes it up with incredible game play. Another one of those games that prove that graphics mean little if the game play rocks.

Punishment is a jump and run game with a twist. All the levels are stacked on top of each other and your task is always to reach the platform in the current level that gets you to the next area. While that may sound easy enough, it comes with a twist.

Since all levels are build up on one another, like in a very tall building, it may happen that you fall down again. If you are really unlucky, you may fall down multiple levels which in turn means that you will have to complete the levels that you have already completed before the fall again.

Not a nice thing if you ask me considering that it may happen multiple times before you finally make it past challenging passages.

To make things worse, several objects in the game change key game elements. The eye for instance rotates the complete level clockwise while the animals swap left and right movement. This is a big challenge but real fun as well.

The game can be played from any location even from usb devices because it does not have to be installed at all. It is available for Windows and Mac devices, and should run on any machine that runs one of those operating systems.

Punishment 2 is the sequel of the game created by the same author. It adds several new game elements which add even more excitement. A main switch has to be switched whenever you enter a level to open the exit. It remains open until you happen to fall down again.

This in turn means that you have to climb back down again to switch it again to process into the next level. A two player mode has been integrated as well making it a tad easier in the beginning because both players do play simultaneously which means that one player may operate the switch while the second tries to reach the exit.

If the exit is reached both players will be teleported to the next level. If one player falls both players fall. This is a nice twist in game play that really makes this game worthwhile.

Note that the two player part of the game plays on the same monitor and keyboard. There is no Internet or network play integrated. Good old hotseat action so to speak.

Here is a video of one of the game levels:

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Software Name
Punishment the Punishing
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