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Create And Restore System Snapshots With Comodo Time Machine

An effective method of keeping a system clean is by reverting it to an original system snapshot regularly. Returnil can do that for instance. It loads a clone of the operating system […]

Replace Text In Multiple Files With Replace Text

Replace Text is a text replacement software program for the Windows operating system that can replace text in multiple files at once. A former work colleague of mine ran into a problem […]

Donation Coder NANY 2010 Challenge Results

The guys over at Donation Coder are celebrating the new year in their own way by holding a coding challenge each year that invites regulars and first timers to pledge to the […]

Create a simple to use kiosk machine with Fluxbox

Have you ever had to create a kiosk PC for use in a business so that customers can either search a database of products or check out your services on line? If […]

aero enabler

Enable Windows Aero In Unsupported Windows Editions

Windows Aero is the standard graphical user interface that most Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems ship with. Microsoft made the decision during the Windows Vista release to block some or […]

Change File Access Rights With Take Ownership

File permission problems are more common on Windows Vista and Windows 7 than on machines running Windows XP. That's something that Windows XP users for instance notice when they migrate the XP […]

Watch Youtube Videos With Your Friends With Synchtube

I sometimes wish that I would be there when my friend, a family member or colleague watches a YouTube video that I have discovered. It sometimes happens if the url of the […]

Image Editor 3.5.2 Released

The popular image editor for Windows has been updated by its developer to version 3.5.2. is a free image editor for the Windows operating system that - like GIMP - […]

LemonPOS: Linux Point of Sale

I work with Quickbooks Point of Sale which is considered, by most, to be the de facto standard of Point of Sale systems. The clients that use Quickbooks POS are medium to […]

Improve Facebook With Facebook Fixer For Google Chrome

Popular web services like Facebook, Gmail or Yahoo Mail can usually be improved through the use of browser add-ons and userscripts that add or change functionality directly on those websites. Facebook Fixer […]

RSS Feed Reader RSSOwl

RSSOwl is a free cross-platform RSS feed reader featuring extensive customization options, search and filtering capabilities, and options to save articles for safe keeping. RSS feed readers can be divided into the […]

How to choose a Linux distribution flow chart

The new year is here and you have made a resolution to give Linux a try. A noble resolution and one that will be met, initially, with much confusion. Why? Linux isn't […]

Which Web Browser Will You Be Using In 2010?

The web browser market has become a lot more interesting and challenging in the last year. Windows users now have the choice between four (five if you count the mediocre Safari as […]

Clear History And Other Traces With Wipe

Wipe is a free software program for the Windows operating system that scans the computer system for traces that have been generated while the system was in use with options to delete […]

Manipulate And Resize Images

Free Image Manipulator is a free program for Windows to run batch operations such as resize on a number of local images. Photos that are created with digital cameras these days usually […]

Google Chrome Photo Slide Show Extension

Interested users who monitor new add-on and extension additions for the Mozilla Firefox web browser and the Google Chrome browser will notice that the latter grows faster in absolute terms ever since […]

Lock A Computer With A Bluetooth Device

BtProx is a free program for the Windows operating system that enables you to lock Windows workstations automatically using Bluetooth devices. Locking the operating system is surely not the most secure way […]

Organize and listen to your music with Aqualung

I've used a lot of music players over the years. Pretty much they all take the same tact on organizing your music - you have a library and you have playlists. Pretty […]

How to join Flash video files

FLV Joiner is a lightweight portable program for Windows to merge multiple video files with the flv extension. Many video hosting websites like YouTube have limitations when it comes to the size […]

Laptop Power Plan Assistant For Windows

Power Plan Assistant for Windows improves the power plan options provided by the Windows operating system by making them more accessible to the user. The software program displays an icon in the […]

Microsoft Office 2010 Download And Information

Microsoft's recent strategy change in regards to product launches - or to be more precise - to public relations during product development has been successful so far. The company related public beta […]

iron browser

SRWare Releases Iron 4 Release Candidate

Iron is a web browser that is based on the Chromium source code, the same code that powers the Google Chrome web browser. The main difference between Iron and Google Chrome is […]

Open source predictions for 2010

Is it really almost 2010? The first decade of 2k is nearly at an end, a decade that has been quite prosperous for the Linux operating system. A decade that saw the […]

Display Custom Windows Folder Settings

Shell Bags View is a free portable software program for Microsoft Windows devices that lists custom folder display settings in an easy to use manner. Every time a folder is opened in […]


Find Windows Drivers With Ma-Config

Automated solutions to find new Windows drivers are not usually as reliable as they should be. Most of the services that have been tested in the past did display false positives that […]

Manage Windows Services With WinServices

WinServices is a free software program for the Windows operating system that provides better options to manage Windows services than the default System manager of the system. The Windows services configuration tool […]

Theming GNOME

I get a lot of questions as to how to make the GNOME desktop look better. This question can be approached from  numerous angles: Compiz, Emerald, Metacity, Window borders, etc. I have […]

Discover Similar Pages With Google Similar Pages For Chrome

Google Similar Pages is an add-on for the Google Chrome web browser that can help you in the discovery of related or similar websites by suggesting these sites to you when you […]

Computer Temperature Monitor HWMonitor

HWMonitor is a free portable program for Microsoft Windows devices that enables you to monitor parameters of installed hardware components of the PC. Keeping an eye on the computer temperature, especially that […]

Microsoft To Start Word Patch Delivery In The US

Microsoft recently lost a patent infringement case in the United States with the court's ruling in favor of software development company tiny i4i. Many websites and blogs proclaimed after the court's ruling […]

ntfs ratio

Manage NTFS Compression With NTFS Ratio

NTFS Ratio is a free program for Microsoft Windows operating systems that reveals the compression status and ratio of folders on the operating system. The NTFS file system supports transparent data compression […]

Add actions to extend Nautilus functionality

GNOME's file manager, Nautilus, (as you would expect) is much more than just a plain file manager. There are so many configuration options and ways to extend the default GNOME file manager. […]

Windows Configuration Tool Tweak Me

Tweak Me is a free program for Microsoft Windows devices that enables you to make configuration changes to the operating system. Windows users definitely do not have a shortage when it comes […]

Firefox Mouse Zoom

Mouse Zoom is a browser extension for the Firefox web browser that improves the mouse zooming capabilities of Firefox. Among the things it adds are using only the mouse to zoom from […]

How to import and export a database in MySQL

Lately I have been doing a lot of coverage of MySQL. Of course there are a lot of reasons for that - MySQL is as popular a database as it is flexible […]

Upload Files To Dropbox By Email

One of the reasons for Dropbox's popularity are a rising number of hacks that go well beyond the standard file synchronization features that the standard Dropbox client offers. We just recently reviewed […]

Gmail, Google Reader, Wave And Voice Notifier For Google Chrome

One Number is a free browser extension for Google Chrome that notifies you about Gmail, Google Reader, Wave and Google Voice updates. The extension development for Google's web browser Google Chrome seems […]

Lower Printing Costs With Print Management Software iPrint

There are several options at your disposal to lower the printing costs both in a business and home environment. From the most obvious "print less" option that may not be feasible at […]

CD DVD Drive Repair

DVD Drive Repair is a free program for Microsoft Windows devices that you may use to fix missing or non-working DVD drives. The program was previously known as Rizone CD-DVD Repair. A […]

Allow remote connections to your MySQL server

I have covered MySQL in a number of ways so far. You can read how to administer your MySQL database with MySQL Workbench (see my article "Complete database administration package MySQL Workbench"), […]