Replace Text In Multiple Files With Replace Text

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 4, 2010
Updated • Jun 12, 2016
Software, Windows software

Replace Text is a text replacement software program for the Windows operating system that can replace text in multiple files at once.

A former work colleague of mine ran into a problem at every year's end. He was the owner of a website that consisted of many static html files.

There was no dynamic content and he faced the problem that he needed to replace the copyright notice on all html files at the end of the year so that the new year would be shown on all pages in the copyright notice on the website.

He replaced the information manually - and probably still is - which is a lot of repetitive work. There are tools to aid users in handling text replacement tasks and Replace Text is one of them.

Replace Text

Replace Text is a text replacement software program for the Windows operating system that can replace text in multiple files at once. The program has been designed to work with all kinds of text files including plain text files but also html or php files to name a few. Basically, if it can be loaded in a plain text editor, Replace Text can be used to change text in the file.

All text replacement operations are handled in groups which remain in the program even after the text replacement operation has finished. This gives users lots of flexibility.

The work colleague for instance could use the same group each year, modify the replaced text to reflect the new year, and run the replacement on all files again without having to worry about configuring the task again.

Single or multiple files and even complete directories can be added to each group. It is possible to use include and exclude filters to perform the text replacement only on desired files or file types, and not all that are found in a directory.

Replace Text can be configured to save the processed files to another location on the hard drive, or to create a file backup of the files to store the original files in a save location. This is recommended as it allows you to restore the original files if the operation does not work as expected.

The software supports a variety of text replacement operations from standard string replacement to exact matches, ranged searches and regular expressions. Standard string replacements can be configured in a few seconds by entering the original and replacement text, while other operations may take more time to set up properly.

Replace Text is a free software program for the Windows operating system that can replace text in multiple files at once. Its advanced features make it a prime choice for users who need a text replacement program.

Update: According to the Eco Byte website, Replace Text is no longer support. While it should work fine on most systems even those running Windows 7 or newer versions of Windows, the developing company notes that the program has known issues on some Windows installations.

A test on a Windows 10 machine worked out fine though.

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  1. Tony Payne said on November 15, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Just downloaded it, not exactly sure why it was trying to run 2 sets of replaces at the same time, but basically it did the trick, updating old Google Analytics code to new in close to 100 pages, and replacing another chunk of code by something new. I reckon it saved me a couple of hours of boring edits, not to mention the potential for human errors.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on November 15, 2011 at 6:43 pm

      Tony it is ideal for that. I too have used it for a HTML based site and editing of code on all of the site’s pages.

  2. mas said on January 6, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    this feature exists in Notepad++

  3. Roman ShaRP said on January 5, 2010 at 11:55 pm

    Р.S. Used it since 2001.

  4. Roman ShaRP said on January 5, 2010 at 11:54 pm

    Excellent program, successor to BK ReplaceEm. Used it many times and it helped me with many jobs.

  5. Sontaya said on January 5, 2010 at 8:22 am
  6. Chris said on January 5, 2010 at 12:10 am

    Another good one is seeker:

    Been using that for a couple of years.

  7. Don F. said on January 4, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    i personally use “Extended Search and Replace” of CFI shelltoys. works the same i think :/

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