Donation Coder NANY 2010 Challenge Results

The guys over at Donation Coder are celebrating the new year in their own way by holding a coding challenge each year that invites regulars and first timers to pledge to the cause and create an application or game before the new year begins.
The results of this year's New Apps for a New Year are in. 23 coders having created 26 different applications for the event which are all available for download on the Donation Coder website.
The contributions include online and offline applications, and even some games, which means that it is likely that people who visit the results page will find at least some entries that they like.
A special treat this year is the introduction of short video screencasts that review the application. The screencasts give a better overview of each application, but can be ignored as descriptions and screenshots are also provided.
Here are our favorites out of the 26 applications
Anuran a simple but effective personal text log that supports hotkeys, reminders, filtered searches and archiving functionality.
Subdiv is a portable software program that can sort files in a directory structure into folders based on their creation date. This is for instance useful to better organize download folders or other folders that are filled with lots of files.
Page Countster was already featured at Ghacks a while ago. It is a printer management and inventory software which provides a quick overview of the printers in a computer network.
Those are just three of the applications that have been released.
Screencasts have been created for all major releases of the coding challenge and they are usually a good way of getting to know an application after reading the short introduction, and before opening the application's profile page at the Donation Coder website.
All in all a successful event not only for the Donation Coder community but also anyone else who likes free software.