Microsoft Office 2010 Download And Information

Microsoft's recent strategy change in regards to product launches - or to be more precise - to public relations during product development has been successful so far. The company related public beta versions of popular Microsoft software like Microsoft Office 2010 or Windows 7 to a worldwide audience.
One of the latest betas available for download is Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft's upcoming Office suite can be downloaded and tested by users worldwide.
The following article walks you through the steps of downloading of Microsoft Office 2010. Interested users need to have a Windows Live account which is needed to join the Microsoft Office 2010 beta program. Lets start with the most important information about Office 2010 beta:
- Expiration: Office 2010 beta will expire on October 31st, 2010. It will become non-functional at this point
- Multiple Versions: Previous Office versions can be upgraded to Office 2010. It is also possible to select customize during installation to install Office 2010 in a separate location.
- Hardware Requirements: Microsoft Office 2010 has the same hardware requirements as Office 2007 (Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7, 500 Mhz or higher, 256 Megabytes of computer memory or higher, hard disk 1.5 Gigabyte
- Languages: English, Chinese Simplified, German, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish
Microsoft is offering two Office 2010 editions for download: Microsoft Office Professional 2010, and Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010. The main difference between those two versions is the number of applications that are made available to the user:
- Office Home and Business 2010 beta – Includes: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Office Web Apps
- Office Professional 2010 beta – Includes: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, Publisher and Office Web Apps
Both editions of Microsoft Office 2010 can be downloaded from the same website:
A click on the Download Now button (there are two on the page) determines which version of Office 2010 gets downloaded to the user's computer.
A Windows Live login window is displayed after making the selection. A new account can be created in the same window if necessary, and a web installer will be downloaded in the final step.
This installer has a size of a few Megabytes and will download the full Office 2010 package. The Office 2010 product key is displayed on the same page containing the download link to the web installer.
Office Home and Business 2010 has a total size of 600 Megabytes while Office Professional 2010 adds another 200 Megabytes on top of that.
Update: Please note that the beta is no longer available. Microsoft Office 2010 has been released, and been replaced by newer versions. While Microsoft is not selling Office 2010 anymore, you may still grab a copy on third-party marketplaces such as eBay.

I want 2010 office but i dont want to make an account on the site
i dunno wat 2 do
I activate it from here, there are nice and effective, just search for windows 8.1 key sale from bing.
Downloaded the Professional version, no problem. Installed as an ugrade to an existing 2007 suite. Impressed with Outlook, too soon to find the extras of the remaining programs. Tried a Remove operation. Not amused, it is not possible to remove the installation completely in order to re-install 2007. Tried removing all traces from the registry but reinstall was not an option, neither was repair. Suspect this may have something to do with the SP2 installation for 2007 which I cant re-install. Am now faced with a disk wipe and ‘start again’ cenario.
I am missing Frontpage. It was available on 2003, but newer versions do not bring back it.
I have been downloaded it and not really interested