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Google Public DNS

The majority of Internet users has not probably come into contact with DNS, the Domain Name System, although it is one of the cornerstone technologies of the Internet. DNS is basically a […]

A close look at the Android OS

Android OS is about to make the migration from mobile phone to netbook PC (most likely thanks to Asus). If you've not seen an Android-based phone, you most likely are not aware […]

Here Is A Little Mozilla Add-ons Secret

The Mozilla website hosts several add-on directories for Mozilla software such as those for Firefox or Thunderbird. If you look at these add-ons you will eventually notice that not all add-ons are […]

Upload Zipped Files To FTP To Mail The Links

Email is not the best option to transfer large files. One of the reasons why it is not,  are attachment limits that make email servers reject emails that are larger than a […]

Windows Live Family Safety

Family Safety is a program of Microsoft's Windows Live program suite that can be used to run content filters for specific user accounts. It has been specifically designed for computers that several […]

Google Webmaster Tools Site Performance

Google and Microsoft have recently published several posts that indicate that they are going to put more emphasize on a website's performance in regards to Google Search and Bing search results. This […]

Google Chrome Gets Option To Free Up Memory

The memory usage of modern web browsers has increased quite a bit over the years which can be attributed to the increased functionality, but also to plugins and extensions that use computer […]

Keep track of your consulting times and invoicing with GnoTime

Keeping yourself on task can be difficult with so many distractions available. From the internet, to colleagues, to music, to just about anything - it seems everything around you is doing its best to keep […]

Speed Up Google Analytics

Several webmasters that I have talked to in the last year expressed their concern about Google's website traffic analyzer Google Analytics. Once of the complaints was that the Analytics script would slow […]

Windows 7 Codec Pack Download

Windows 7, unlike previous Microsoft operating systems, comes with extended capabilities to play video files out of the box. The operating system comes with codecs to play Divx, Xvid, H.264, AAC and […]

Microsoft Powerset Adds Semantic Search To Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a popular online encyclopedia that can be a good starting point for research on any subject you may be interested in. What Wikipedia sorely needs is a better search engine […]

Facebook Privacy Changes Announced

Mark Zuckerberg announced upcoming changes to Facebook's privacy settings in an open letter to the Facebook community. The main reason for the privacy change is connected to the incredible growth of the […]

Customize Firefox Toolbars With Total Toolbars

Total Toolbars is a Firefox add-on that extends the browser's options to customize toolbars displayed in its interface. One of the biggest additions is the ability to control and customize the icons […]

Acetone: Mount and manage your CD/DVD ISOs

I have been working with the Acetone ISO manager and have been in awe at how much this tool can do. The creators of Acetone call it a CD/DVD image manager, but […]

Snippage: Display Website Contents On The Computer Desktop

Snippage is a free application for Adobe Air which you can use to display website content on the computer desktop as widgets. Computer users can for instance use this to display the […]

Windows 7 Black Screen Of Death Fix

Some Windows 7 users have reported a problem with the operating system that they experienced after installing the latest Microsoft security update on November 25.  Some incidents about the so called black […]

Windows System Monitor What's Running 3

The developers of the Windows system monitor What's Running have recently released beta 3 of their upcoming third version of the software program. What's Running is a system monitor for Microsoft windows […]

Android Developer Challenge 2 Winners

Google's Android platform, which was once backed only by HTC has come a long way since then. Many cell phone manufacturers are releasing Android based cell phones at the moment including Samsung, […]

Christmas Giveaway: Winzip 14

Winzip 14 is a file compression software for the Windows operating system. Veteran computer users may know Winzip from back in the days as it was one of the first software programs […]

Linux PDF viewers

Today a loyal reader sent me a message saying he enjoyed the Alternative Linux web browsers article and was hoping I could apply the same idea to PDF viewers. The truth of […]

Join the Microsoft Security Essentials Ongoing Beta

Microsoft has released the final version of their security software Microsoft Security Essentials on the same day that they have released their latest operating system Windows 7. Microsoft Security Essentials is a […]

Manga Reader MangaMeeya

Manga are very popular these days both in the "real" world but also on the Internet. There are lots of places where Manga fans can read Manga online. Websites like One Manga […]

Check Music Collections For Missing Cover Art With CovArt Ops

CovArt Ops is a new portable program for Microsoft Windows devices that you can use to scan a folder or entire drive for music cover art. Many modern media players like Winamp, […]

Post-Processing Scanning Software Scan Tailor

Scan Tailor is a free cross-platform post-processing tool for scanned pages for Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux computer systems. Scan results may vary depending on the scanner and scan software that is used. […]

Mozilla Add-Ons Sort Broken?

The Mozilla website hosts - among other programs and files - the web browser Firefox and the email client Thunderbird. The very same website also functions as a directory for Firefox and […]

Change Default Programs Temporarily With Coffee

Coffee exPresso is a free portable program for Microsoft Windows devices to change file associations temporary on machines running Windows. Let us say that you are in a situation where you would […]

Alternative Linux web browsers

You know Firefox like the back of your hand. You've heard tale of Chrome and you know KDE has tried to pawn Konqueror off as their default browser. In the distance you […]

Zonealarm 9.1 Firewall Free Windows 7 Released

Update: ZoneAlarm released new versions of its firewall product. You can download the most recent version from the official website where it is still available for free. The free version is compatible […]

Global Hotkeys Windows Media Player Plugin

WMP Keys is a free plugin for Windows Media Player that you may use to configure global hotkeys for use with the default Windows multimedia player. Microsoft's Windows Media Player does not […]

Twitter Japan To Introduce Paid Subscriptions

If you have ever asked yourself how Twitter could be earning revenue from its highly popular messaging service then the latest developments at Twitter Japan might answer that question for you. The […]

Google Directions

Google Directions is a service by the Google Maps team that can be used to get driving, transit or walking directions directly in the maps application. Update: the most recent version of […]

Google Chrome Privacy Protector

Some Internet users are reluctant to use Google's web browser Google Chrome due to privacy concerns. These concerns are not just based on thin air but on the fact that data is […]

Simple Linux disk burning with Brasero

  If you have used a modern Linux system then you know how easy the task of burning CDs has become. I have covered the K3B tool as well as burning CDs […]

Finally Some Good Use For The Firefox Home Button

UsableHomeButton is a free browser add-on for the Firefox web browser that allows you to go to the home page of any domain. The home button in the Firefox web browser - […]

MocoSpace Login

MocoSpace is a so called mobile social networking website. What this means is that it is primarily designed for mobile access and not computer desktop access. Another interesting aspect of MocoSpace is […]

Windows Explorer: Add Copy To and Move To

The following tip provides you with information on adding copy to and move to actions to the Windows Explorer context menu on Windows. Here is an old Windows Explorer tip that I […]

Work On Websites Before DNS Propagation

If you buy a website or order a new domain, you sometimes want to point it to another web hoster or your own virtual or dedicated server. This can also happen when […]

Close Tabs With A Double Right-Click In Firefox

Rights To Close is a browser add-on for Mozilla Firefox that allows you to double right-click on any open tab to close it in the browser. If you are like me, you […]

Create Movie Screenshots With Scenegrabber.NET

Scenegrabber.NET is a free software program for the Microsoft Windows operating that can create single or sequence screenshots of movies that are loaded into the program. These screenshots are often used to […]

Manage your bibliographic database with Bibus

If you are a student, teacher, writer, or anyone who has a need for a bibligraphy then you need to do yourself a favor and make use of a bibliographic manager. A bibliographic manager […]