Get to know Linux: AppArmor

You've heard that Linux is a very secure operating system. You've heard it's practically immune to viruses (practically being the key word). You've heard it's tough to crack. These are all true...and […]

Bitdefender: Linux antivirus made simple

We've covered a few Linux antivirus tools here on Ghacks (see "Install Avira Antivirus on Linux" or "Rescue that infected Windows drive with Trinity Rescue" or the articles covering ClamAV). All of […]

Monitor your network with iptraf

I am always looking for a good network monitor, and there are plenty out there. But in all my years of searching I have yet to come across a monitor as good […]

Q7z: Front end for Linux 7-Zip

Compression is compression is compression. Right? Wrong. There are some compression utilities that eek out every drop of space possible. On the Linux operating system the standard is gzip or bunzip2. But […]

Ubuntu Music Store (coming soon!)

If you have been playing around much with the Alpha releases of Ubuntu Lucid Lynx you may have noticed something special that was announced some time ago is actually coming to fruition.  […]

Tweak your Ubuntu with Ubuntu Tweak

In a recent article ("Greenie Linux: A distribution for all users") I mentioned a tool (used in Greenie Linux) called Ubuntu Tweak. This tool allows the user to make certain tweaks to […]

Greenie Linux: A distribution for ALL users

Recently (in my Pardus Linux article) Ghacks reader PeterB mentioned one of his favorite distributions Greenie Linux. Of course I had to give this a whirl and see what it was all […]

Understanding Samba security modes

If you have read any of the Samba content here on Ghacks you probably will have noticed that within the smb.conf configuration file a line that begins with security =. This is a […]

Pardus: A Linux distribution for the end user

Of course when I say leopard, with regards to anything computer, you think Mac OS X. Not this time. This time we're talking about a different flavor of Linux - Pardus.Pardus is […]

Connect to a Samba share from OS X

Here on Ghacks I've worked to cover Samba from numerous angles (check out the Samba Topic on Ghacks). I want to build on that topic by helping you to connect to a […]

Docky: Another OS X-like Doc

OS X users love their Dock..and with good reason. Not only is it a handy way to launch applications, it's also rather stylish. I have covered a tool that had a similar […]

Get to know Linux: shutdown, reboot, startx

If you use Linux long enough you are going to come face to face with a situation where you are in a GUI-less log in and you're either going to know what […]

Create a bootable CD of PloP Linux

PloP Linux is one of those small in size but large in features Live distributions that could, at some point, save your skin. It offers tons of tools to help you out […]

What is it with the "dist-upgrade" option of apt-get?

There has always been a bit of confusion when people learn they can do a full upgrade of their distribution from the command line. Most people don't brave such a feat. Some […]

Rescue that infected Windows machine with Trinity Rescue

Sticking with our current theme of rescuing, we will now focus our magnifying glass another another useful Linux tool - Trinity Rescue Kit.TRK is another live Linux distribution, but with a different spin. […]

Install Avira Antivir on Linux

In yesterday's post (see "Scan a Windows drive for viruses using Linux") in which I mentioned the Avira Antivir software. This piece of software is a commercial, cross-platform anti-virus solution that offers […]

Scan a Windows drive for viruses using Linux

Recently I came into a client who had a Windows XP machine that contained a nasty little virus that rendered the machine nearly unusable. When the machine would boot the CPU was […]

Manage your projects with KPlato

KPlato is one of those tools that could easily get overlooked - but certainly shouldn't. KPlato is project management tool that offers more features that many similar tools costing significantly more money […]

Post Twitter and Facebook status from the GNOME panel

One of the nice, but somewhat hidden, features of the upcoming Ubuntu 10.4 release is that you can access chatting, tweeting, and social network all from a simple panel applet. Now I […]

Map your mind with VYM (View Your Mind)

How many ways can you organize your life? You can use spreadsheets, documents, images, flow charts or (if you're organization is more organic in nature) a mind mapping software. Tools like this […]

How to configure Compiz in Elive

For those of you who are lucky enough to have the Elive distribution running on your desktop, you might have noticed there is no CCSM (Compiz Config  Settings Manager). At least not […]

Creating a VPN tunnel between Ubuntu and Sonicwall

Yesterday I walked you through the process of connecting to a Microsoft PPTP VPN (see my article "Connecting to a Microsoft VPN with Linux"). That article used a simple GUI tool to […]

Connecting to a Microsoft VPN with Linux

One of the Achilles heels of the Linux operating system is connecting to a VPN. Due to it's natural ability to network, one would think connecting to a VPN would be a […]

Share Ubuntu folders with NFS

If you've ever tried to share folders on a Linux machine over a network, you've most likely attempted to get NFS working. And on many occasions you might have found yourself nearly […]

Clean up your system with Bleachbit

You never know what is dirtying up your Linux system. Your Bash history, temporary files, usage history, clipboard, free disk space...there's always a chance something is there that you don't want. But […]

Ubuntu 10.4: My first impressions

I couple of months ago I covered what was to be expected in the upcoming release of Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx - 10.4). This release will happen in April 2010 and is much […]

Power saving tips for a Linux laptop

Linux on a laptop is notorious for sucking batteries down far faster than their Windows counterparts. My personal Linux laptops, without help, are lucky to get half the battery life than when […]

Quick and easy pop or imap server with Dovecot

Picking up where we left off a while ago, let's add yet another feature to our Ubuntu server. We've already looked at using Postfix with multiple topics (see Postfix on Ghacks). But […]

Easy folder sharing in GNOME

Recently I covered folder sharing in KDE 4.4 (Read my article "Easy folder sharing in KDE 4.4"). I thought I should offer the same article for the GNOME desktop. Although the tasks […]

Tips to help users migrate to OpenOffice

The office suite. Ah the importance you hold over the PC user. You help our business to flow, you help us to draft our papers and novels, and you help us communicate. […]

Install Perl modules using CPAN

If you've come across any software that requires Perl modules, you might have found yourself pulling out your hair, trying to figure out how to install those modules. You've tried downloading the […]

Window-specific options in KDE 4.4

Continuing with the KDE 4.4 theme we will turn our phasers towards configuring window-specific options. What exactly does this mean? It means you can configure options for a specific window that apply […]

Configure and use the KDE 4.4 pager

Have you ever used the Linux pager? If you've not you might want to read my article "Get to know Linux: The pager". The KDE 4.4 pager is, as the above article […]

Easy folder sharing in KDE 4.4

Once more unto the KDE topic my friends, once more. This time, however, we take a look at a very useful feature that allows you to easily share out folders with a […]

Personalizing KDE 4.4

Sticking with our KDE theme this week, it's time to learn how to make KDE 4.4 yours. You've downloaded it, you've used it, and now you want to personalize it. You might […]

Five useful KDE 4.4 widgets

With the rise of KDE 4.4 comes a new crop of desktop widgets (or Plasmoids). Earlier renditions of KDE 4.x saw the Plasmoids less than useful. The latest workings, however, have become […]

Configure KDE 4 to work with Compiz

If you read my most recent article ("Upgrading to KDE 4.3.5 and should you") you will have noticed two things: 1) I am behind by one release on my KDE updates ;-) […]

Upgrading to KDE 4.3.5 (and should you?)

This morning I decided to go ahead and upgrade KDE to the latest, stable release. I had grown weary of this Linux desktop because of instability issue as well as lack of […]

Top 5 top 5s for Linux

I've been using Linux for longer than I can remember. Over those years I have written a number of "top 5" lists for various publications. So I thought it would be fun […]

Fast access to templates in GNOME

Right-click on your GNOME desktop and take a look at what is inside the Create Document menu. More than likely nothing. Why is that? This menu, as well as the Nautilus File […]