The fight did not last: Xiaomi and Huawei wants to settle

Onur Demirkol
Mar 2, 2023
Mobile Computing

Two of the biggest tech giants of China are in serious dispute as Huawei sued Xiaomi for illegal patent use of 4g and camera technologies. The latest news show that parties are trying to find a way that works for both.

Many companies in the smartphone market influence each other with new technologies and designs, but sometimes cases of "copying" arise, and companies begin to seek their legal rights. Last year, Huawei Consumer Business Group's CEP and Executive Director, Yu Chengdong, said that "some companies" were copying their design and features. Those copied designs are features patented by Huawei and must be paid a fee for use or claim any right.

Recently, Huawei sued Xiaomi for copying its patented technologies without paying any fees or letting them know. Huawei filed a case against Xiaomi on January 17, 2023, and the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office accepted it. According to IT Home, Huawei has sued Xiaomi for infringing its four patents. These patents include method and device for sending control signaling, method for feeding back ACK/NACK information during carrier aggregation, base station, user equipment, method and devices for obtaining panoramic images, and a lock screen method and mobile devices.

The patents involve 4G/LTE technology, mobile phone cameras, and unlocking technologies. While the 4G/LTE technology is a standard essential patent (SEP), mobile phone camera and unlocking technologies are non-SEP patents. It is a known fact in the Chinese market that Huawei's patent licensing program is very successful, and is one of the most innovative firms.

According to the latest reports, Xiaomi says, "both parties are actively negotiating on patent licensing. Both Huawei and Xiaomi believe that intellectual property licensing and cooperation are conducive to promoting innovation and public interest and believe that mediation is an effective channel to help reach licensing." Huawei and Xiaomi are tech giants, especially in the Chinese market. There is a strong possibility that both parties would shake hands after mediation and solve the matter. Huawei worked out a deal with OPPO last year. However, the discussions are ongoing, and nothing is definite.


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  1. John B said on March 2, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    I don’t care about phones.

  2. Lacocha said on March 2, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    War between brothers

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