Internet - Latest Posts

Bandwidth Caps for Time Warner Users ?

When I accessed the Internet in the early 90s with my superfast 33,6 Kbps modem I had to sign a contract with a company that made me pay per minute that I was online. This put a lot of pressure on me and my bankroll at that time and many companies later gave in to user demand and offered flatrates instead. Unlimited access to the Internet without having to look at the clock or the amount that I have downloaded have since then become an important part of my life and I would never accept to go back to a time or bandwidth limited account.

my name card

Online name card creator

I usually have big problems with online "X" creators, they are usually cumbersome, weird and have various results ranging from bad to awful. While Deyey also has these features, I find that […]

daily digest

DailyMe - Online news at your doorstep

If you like reading newspaper style news, as well as online style, DailyMe may be for you. It aims to give you content you like, in a sort of digest form every […]

calculate paypal fees

Online Paypal Fee Calculator

I sometimes send and receive money with PayPal because it is very convenient to do that. I do have hard times figuring out the fees that I have to pay when sending someone money using PayPal because the fees depend on the amount of money that you transfer monthly. This is not a problem if the seller pays the PayPal fees but some sellers do not and then I have to calculate what I have to add to the sum that the seller is receiving.

A preview of the future

Knowing the position of every single particle in the whole infinite universe at the moment, you would be able to predict the future precisely some people say. Well, since our far advanced 2.0 technology is (and will remain for a while) still too lame to do such experiment at present, there's no way to make predictions like that. But hey, who says we can't attempt to guess what happens in the near future?

file extensions

Recognize any file extension in seconds

Not only are there hundreds of standard and common extensions we've already learned to recognize by heart by seeing them every day, there are also many specific and rare extensions we come across from time to time because as a matter of fact, every programmer can create extensions for his purposes. So how do we handle that?

Gizmodo rep banned from CES after prank

In the article entitled Confessions: The Meanest Thing Gizmodo Did at CES Brian Lam describes how they used a device called TV-B-Gone to turn off television screens at this years CES. They even created a video that is available at their website showing what they did. They did turn off televisions during at least one press conference and numerous presentations and did publish the video on their website.

Why you should not run an Open Wi-Fi

Security Expert Bruce Schneier wrote a commentary on Wired yesterday where he admitted that he was using an Open Wi-Fi and that he could not see what was wrong with doing so. He refused to accept security reasons because he said that the computer had to be secured as well and that an Open Wi-Fi would essentially be the same as using Wi-Fi on airports or Internet cafes.

flickr gift

Flickr Pro Account for 15 months instead of 12

If you have the intention to get a Flickr Pro account you might find the following deal interesting that gives you three extra months for no additional charge. A one year Flickr pro account costs $24.95 and gives you unlimited storage, uploads, bandwidth, sets, ad free browsing and permanent archiving of high quality images.

Convert Files Online with Youconvertit

I had planned to review this website earlier but then forgot about it till Jajay commented about it in one of Martin’s earlier articles. Most of us will have needed to convert […]

adblock filter optimizer

Optimize your Adblock Plus Filter List

Adblock Plus is probably one of the most popular Firefox extensions of all time. It blocks almost any advertisement on the Internet and is highly effective. Users can add filters to Adblock Plus that whitelist those websites which means that ads on those websites will be shown. This is excellent for webmasters who want to make sure that their websites are displaying the correct ads and visitors who want to give something back to a website that they really like.

Wikia Search Alpha launches

Wikia Search is the new project by Jimmy Wales who created Wikipedia. Instead of using an algorithmic approach it combines that approach with user feedback to provide everyone with better search results. The theory sounds nice, let users week out the spam and fake websites like Made for Adsense sites and websites with no content.

jump to url

Browse the Web in areas with no Internet browser

Schools, libraries and even colleges like to restrict access to their public computers and some do not even have a link to an Internet browser although they might be connected to the net normally. This is done to get rid of those users who occupy a computer to chat on the Internet while its main purpose is to do something else, e.g. research books.

web 2.0

The best sources for web 2.0

I love taking a look at fresh web 2.0 sites and then tracking their development, perhaps even taking part in them in the form of comments, feedback and email exchanges. I have […]


Snapfoo Mobile Photo Blogging

Richard from Windows Observer was so nice to send me an invitation to the mobile photo blogging community Snapfoo which is currently in beta and invite only. With Snapfoo you can easily send pictures taken with your mobile phone to your Snapfoo profile and integrate it with other web 2.0 sites such as Myspace, Facebook or Twitter as well.

Bye Bye Digg

I have been using Digg, the social news portal where users vote on stories submitted by users, for more than two years and I loved it at the beginning. Nowadays when I visit the Technology section of Digg I see what I already read in my feed reader. There is Lifehacker, Mashable, Gizmodo, Torrentfreak and Arstechnica on the frontpage who seem to make the frontpage no matter what they write.

typing faster

Learn to type faster

I never understood why there were not more online applications that helped you type faster. Keybr is such an online application that helps you become more productive by training you to type faster. It offers three modes, called lessons in the application, that builds words using a certain amount of keys.

Schools Wikipedia CD and DVD image

I was recently looking for a way to put Wikipedia on my notebook to be able to access it when I have no Internet connection. A research on Wikipedia revealed that there was an up to date German DVD version but no English version which I think is somewhat strange considering that the English section of Wikipedia has more users than the German section.

Adobe PDF Ads

Am I the only one that is thinking that putting Ads into Adobe PDF documents is not going to be that successful ? Putting contextual ads next to content in PDF documents is going to fail and here is why. Users are not used to ads in documents like PDF or Doc and they will have a hard time convincing users and advertisers to try this new ad form.

bubblus logo

Create mindmaps and share them online

Mind maps are said to be the most effective way to plan things because they follow your thinking better than any other method can. I have serious doubts about the global truth […]


Create Mp3 files from Wikipedia articles

Pediaphon is a text to speech script that generates a mp3 from any Wikipedia article that you point it to. The article is then processed and a mp3 is created where a robotic voice will read the article for you. The voice is understandable but you recognize that it is not a human reading the article. If that does not bother you Pediaphon is a great application.

Webhosting / freehosting worth mentioning

You probably had very hard times if you were ever looking for a fast and reliable freehosting service without ads which would offer enough space and an advanced environment for your website. Maybe you've had some troubles with your current paid webhosting as well and are looking for a better one. Either way, you may want to read on.

Automatically download sequentially designated files

Ever wanted to download multiple podcasts / videocasts or similar files that are for example attached to RSS feeds without having to download each of them manually from the website? Having bought a new mp3 player, I needed to download multiple episodes of my favorite podcast English as a Second Language links to which I have been collecting for some time but didn't have much free time to listen to them. It would be insane to have to follow each link to the website and then manually download the podcasts one after one, repeating this procedure several hundred times...

Clickbank we have a problem

Clickbank is a large advertiser that is mainly known for informational products such as ebooks. If you look around on their website you find a lot of webmaster related products but also products of other niches such as Business to Business and Money & Employment. The interesting part (for us) begins when we take a look at their requirements for pages, or better thank you pages, that sell Clickbank products.

google talk translation

Translate Bots added to Google Talk

What language will a German and a French use to communicate usually ? What a Italian and Swede ? They will speak English unless you find someone that speaks both languages which, depending on the two languages in questions, could be rather rare. A huge problem arises when you have to speak to someone who does not speak English, how do you communicate ?


Reveal the domain owner and hoster of a domain

I know that you can literally use hundreds of scripts that lookup a domain name or IP and display information about that domain or IP. Most of those sites are rather slow and / or have so much advertisement on their websites that I prefer to use WhosIP from Nirsoft when I quickly want to lookup an IP.

internet explorer vulnerability

Internet Explorer Clipboard Vulnerability

Are you using the Microsoft Internet Explorer ? You might be shocked by the following example of how insecure the Internet Explorer really is. Copy some text into the clipboard, you can use the text that you are just reading or any other text that you come across. Now visit the IE Clipboard Test website and see what happens.

An Advice on Buying and Selling Websites

I'm not regularly buying or selling websites but I know the trends, can estimate the value of a website, its future potential and current and future market situation. The following is not really a trick but more of a using information posted on website sales to your advantage.


Soundsnap share free sound effects and loops

How does that sound ? A community that shares free sound effects and loops. That's right, all of the sounds posted on the website by the community are free to use in your projects and websites. You do not have to be signed in to download the mp3 or wav files from Soundsnap so it's as user friendly as it can get.

slide presenter

Create Web based Powerpoint Presentations

Microsoft Powerpoint has one huge disadvantage. It only supports local presentations and offers no way to show a presentation to users of a conference that take part from different offices. Most companies send the presentation by email to those users but this is not the best solution in my opinion.

pc helpware creation

Late-Night Remoting

Maybe some of you guys know that feeling: You've just come home after a long stressful day at work looking forward to an enjoyable evening of watching TV or reading the latest news on gHacks. But as soon as you switched on your TV/Computer, your phone rings. It is your sister (mother in law, father) and you remember the promise - that you gave in a moment of feeble-minded weakness - that you would help if they would face difficulties with their computer. This leaves you with two options: Tell them you aren't in the mood, which might come back to haunt you on the next family day, or give in to a extended session of "what's wrong with it?" on the phone.


Jot notes simply and easily

Wridea is a service I got to know about two months ago and in fact, I still use it today sometimes. Every now and again I find myself in a situation where […]

Join The Windows Feedback Program and grab some free apps

Are you 18 years of age or older and living in the United States ? Are you the owner of the computer and use either Windows XP or Windows Vista as your main operating system ? Then you might apply to join the Windows Feedback Program which will supply you with a free Microsoft application of your choice if your application gets accepted.

Opera's progress bar in detail

After installation Opera's default settings show the progress bar which displays information about how the current page is loading in its simplest form - as a small rectangular bar that only appears when a loading process is active. This bar however is not revealing enough information for advanced users who are interested in what exactly is going on when a website refuses to load.

Websites standing out of the crowd

One cold winter days you might find yourself hanging around the web, visiting the same boring sites every day and staring at your screen without any purpose and new inspiration. In that case, it would be the right time to get up and check what the world looks like from outside too (alright, maybe I'm not the right person to give such advice). Or if it's too cold to go out at the moment, you may be interested in these advisory lists providing links to websites that are special in a certain way.

project office

Manage projects online with ProjectOffice

I'm always looking for good project management solutions, and so far I haven't found one that fits my needs perfectly. Short of programming one for myself, I don't think I (or anyone […]

doc syncer

Sync Microsoft Documents with Google Docs automatically

Docsyncer was mentioned on the Digital Inspiration blog as a service that automatically synced Microsoft documents such as doc and xls with the Google Docs web service. This can be incredible helpful if you do use Microsoft Office and Google Docs. This could for instance be the case if you upload your Word or Excel documents to Google Docs to be able to work with them on a different computer.

Download Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate

Microsoft is providing download versions of the Windows Server 2008 release candidate free of charge right from their website to anyone interested in downloading them. A product key can be requested as well which will make the product valid until April 7, 2008.


Revolutionary new web 2.0 app that does absolutely nothing!

I have to say this is the most ingenious app I have ever seen. Download Nada to feel better, while it does nothing for you too! Nada promises to be light on […]

change wlan channel

Change the default Wlan Channel to improve wireless connectivity

Are you living in a neighborhood with lots of Wlan activity ? You can check this if you do search for Wlans on your computer and find lots of them listed. It does not really matter if they use an encryption like WPA, WPA2 or WEP, as long as they are listed there they might interfere with your own Wlan channel which can be the cause for bad download rates and sudden disconnects.