Create Web based Powerpoint Presentations

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 15, 2007
Updated • Dec 15, 2012
Internet, Microsoft Office

Microsoft PowerPoint has one huge disadvantage. It only supports local presentations and offers no way to show a presentation to users of a conference that take part from different offices. Most companies send the presentation by email to those users but this is not the best solution in my opinion.

Slide Presenter offers a better one. It is a php based script that can run on any server that supports PHP. The administrator can create new presentations by adding images of the slides to it. Users can then connect to the website to see the current slide. The administrator manages the progression and decides which slide is currently seen on the website, much like a local presentation but with the major advantage that people from all over the world can connect and view the PowerPoint presentation online.

The presentation that has been created in Microsoft PowerPoint has to be saved as image slides which can be done directly in Powerpoint using the File > Save As menu. Just select a different format, jpg for instance, before saving the presentation. PowerPoint will then ask if you want to save the current slide or all slides. Select all slides which has the result that all slides of the presentation are saved as images.

Update: Solutions are now available to share documents such as presentations online. Microsoft is offering SkyDrive for that, a cloud storage and synchronization service that you can use to share files that you host on it with other users.

To share, simply use the email address of users you want to share with to provide them with access. Microsoft is no the only company though which makes these solutions available. You can alternatively use Google Docs to share documents, or the popular file hosting service Dropbox which also provides you with this functionality.


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