Snapfoo Mobile Photo Blogging

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 6, 2008
Updated • Dec 1, 2012

Richard from Windows Observer was so nice to send me an invitation to the mobile photo blogging community Snapfoo which is currently in beta and invite only. With Snapfoo you can easily send pictures taken with your mobile phone to your Snapfoo profile and integrate it with other web 2.0 sites such as Myspace, Facebook or Twitter as well.

Everyone may access your profile page on Snapfoo and look at the recent images that you send in. Photos can not only be added by mobile phone but also by uploading them via email or with your computer. If you want to post something fast you might choose the mobile phone option, if you have more time at hand you better choose email or computer upload to save some money in case you are not running an unlimited data plan.

Both email accounts and cell phone numbers have to be added to Snapfoo before you can begin to use them. The creator of the picture can write a short description that will be added to the profile page and all other registered visitors can leave comments.

I think Snapfoo is a great idea, something unique that has not appeared yet on the Internet. The integration with popular web 2.0 communities makes it more attractive and it could very well become the next Twitter. It's nothing for me though because I do not like to reveal my life to the public.

I have five Snapfoo invites. The first five to comment on this blog requesting an invite will get it.


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  1. Brad said on January 7, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    Thanks for the great write-up! If you are still looking for invites join the invite list, we are sending out more and more invites daily!

  2. Johan Gustavsson said on January 6, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    I’d like an invite!!!
    Thank You

  3. Jeff said on January 6, 2008 at 6:50 pm

    I would really appreciate an invite. As somebody who is always on the web and thinks he’s seen everything, I like the fact that I can always find something new here!

  4. Graham Lawrence said on January 6, 2008 at 6:16 pm

    I’d love an invite! Thanks!

  5. Sarah said on January 6, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    I’m a new subscriber and I love what I’ve read so far. Keep the good work, and I’d love an invite too. Thanks so much!

  6. Dani said on January 6, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Id love one of the invites! Thanks for offering!

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