See what they're saying before you answer with Live Voicemail in iOS 17

Do you ever miss important calls because you didn't have time to listen to your voicemail? Do you ever get spam calls that you don't want to listen to?
If so, then you need Live Voicemail.
What is Live Voicemail in iOS 17?
Live Voicemail is a new feature in iOS 17 that allows you to see a live transcription of your calls as your caller records a voicemail message.
This means that you can see what the caller is saying in real-time, and you can even interrupt the recording and start a live conversation if you like what they're saying.

How does Live Voicemail in iOS 17 work?
Live Voicemail uses Apple's powerful speech-to-text technology to transcribe your calls in real-time.
The transcription is displayed on your iPhone's screen, so you can easily read it without having to listen to the entire voicemail message.
How do you get Live Voicemail in iOS 17?
Live Voicemail is available on all iPhones that are compatible with iOS 17.
To get Live Voicemail, you'll need to update your iPhone to iOS 17 and then enable the feature in your settings.
How to activate Live Voicemail in iOS 17
To activate Live Voicemail in iOS 17, follow these steps:
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone
- Tap on Phone
- Tap on Live Voicemail
- Toggle the Live Voicemail switch to On

How can Live Voicemail help me?
Live Voicemail can help you in a number of ways, including:
Screening calls more effectively: You can now see what the caller is saying before you answer the phone, so you can decide whether or not to take the call.
Avoiding spam calls: You can now easily identify spam calls by reading the transcription of the voicemail message.
Getting back to important calls: If you miss a call, you can quickly read the transcription of the voicemail message to see what the caller said.
Starting a live conversation: If you're interested in what the caller is saying, you can interrupt the recording and start a live conversation.
If you're not using Live Voicemail, then you're missing out on a great way to improve your voicemail experience. So what are you waiting for? Enable Live Voicemail in iOS 17 today!