Windows Right-Click Extender

Right-Click Extender is an easy to use program to add functionality to the Windows Explorer right-click context menu of Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows.
The lightweight program display option directly after startup, an installation is not necessary. The new features are separated into file/folder, desktop, drives and My Computer options.
Windows distinguishes between different right-click contexts, and displays different options depending on the item you perform a right-click on.
The file and folder right-click options are shown on every right-click when activated. They include options to copy and move the selected files and folders, open an admin command prompt, encrypt or decrypt files, create a file listing, hide or unhide files and folders or take ownership.
If you are making use of these command regularly you may want to enable them by placing a check-mark into the box adjacent to the command.
The desktop right-click options become active after right-clicking on the computer desktop. They include options to start the task manager, control panel, registry editor, administrative tools, desktop god mode and the Flip 3D Windows Switcher.
Drives and My Computer work similarly. For drives, you get options to run defrag or disk clean up, and open the management interface. For My Computer, you get lots of options to load administrative tools or perform operations such as shut down or putting the system to sleep.
The options become visible right after checking them and hitting the apply button in the program interface.
Right-Click Extender is a nice little application for users who would like to add features to the right-click menu of the operating system. the software can be downloaded from the Windows Club Website.
Update: Right-Click Extender 2 has been released. It introduces several new features and enhancements over the previous version of the application. Here is a more detailed review of the new version which you can download from the website linked above.
The file or folder menu lets you add the following commands to the Windows Explorer context menu:
- Administrator Command Prompt
- Create file listing
- Hide or show files
- Hide or show folders
- Open with Notepad
- Select All
- Take Ownership
- Register or unregister files
- Copy to
- Move to
- Encrypt or decrypt
- Hide drives in send to
- Toggle file or folder visibility
The desktop menu and My Computer menu provides you with the following additional commands:
- Administrative tools
- All Tasks aka God Mode
- Calculator
- Computer Management
- Control Panel
- Current Wallpaper location
- Defrag
- Device Manager
- Disk Cleanup
- Empty Recycle Bin
- Flip3D Windows Switcher
- MSConfig
- Notepad
- Paint
- Registry Editor
- Resource Monitor
- Services
- Snipping Tool
- Sticky Notes
- System Restore
- Task Manager
- Lock PC
- Restart
- Shutdown
- Sleep PC
- Hibernate PC
The drives right-click menu can be enhanced with the following options:
- Administrator Command Prompt
- Defrag Drive
- Disk Cleanup
- Manage
What's interesting is that you can add the options directly to the right-click context menu so that it is always visible, or alternatively only when you hold down the shift key before you right-click.
The new version creates a backup first so that you can restore any functionality if you run into issues.

datz cool
Some of the features also works in Microsoft Windows XP