4Chan Thread Downloader
4chan is one of the most popular bulletin boards on the Internet that is used for discussions but also photo and image posting. The 4Chan Downloader was designed by its developer to allow users to download specific 4Chan threads -to be more specific photos and images posted in those threads - to the local computer system.
This is the main difference to 4Chan Grabber which we reviewed earlier this year which allowed users to download all photos and images of a selected 4Chan forum to the computer system. The 4Chan Downloader is therefor for users who do not want to download all photos or images from a forum but only selected ones from threads that they specify.
The downloader is ready for use after a quick installation. It consists of five interactive interface elements. The two forms can be used to paste the url of the 4Chan thread and to specify the download location on the local computer. The other three are buttons that can start the download, perform a check or open the folder containing the images.
The program will automatically create a folder based on the thread number at 4Chan to avoid ending up with a massive amount of unsorted photos and pictures if multiple threads are downloaded. 4Chan Downloader should be compatible with most versions of the Windows operating system. It can be downloaded at the developer's website.
Update: 4Chan Thread Downloader has been renamed to 4chan Watcher. Check out the new 4chan Downloader review here.
Update 2: The 4Chan Thead Downloader is no longer available. We suggest you take a look at the actively maintained 4Chan Downloader instead, a free program for Windows that you can download from Sourceforge. It works semi-automatically. All you need is a 4Chan forum url that you paste into the program. A click on start downloads all images and you configure the program to automatically scan the thread for new photos and images.
soo, where do i download it ?
Hm. The site concerned seems to be down. Any alternate dl-locations?
Siga, sorry for the late reply. But check here.
Martin, think I could get you to update this post? All of the traffic that goes to my site comes from here and I’ve made a lot of big changes to the app.
Thank you!
You post is in German on an English website and your question has nothing to do with the original post or any comments. Good luck finding that answer somewhere else.
Try http://www.piriform.com/recuva
ich hoffe hier im Forum kann mir jemand helfen!
Ich habe versehentlich 27 mp3s von meiner mobilen Festplatte verloren. Leider sind die Files nicht mehr im meinem Papierkorb.
Die Files waren sehr wichtig für mich! Ich würde die gerne retten.
Wer kennt ne Seite auf der ich Infos dazu finde, wie ich die Daten retten kann??
Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Antworten
Nice idea, but it doesn’t save images with original names.
It isn’t workign for me….It downloads one pic and then gives me a Microsoft . It says: the remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. I can press continue or quit, but continue doesn’t solve it :S Any idea’s because I would love it to work…
Please Report the issue there
And post a screen shot of the error if you can. I’ve never seen or heard of this error, but I’ll find a fix for you and get it working.
[11/03/2009] Version 1.30
-Feature: All threads saved in board folder
-Other: Optimized Code and Functions
Check it out!
Site is backup. Had some issues with an attack… Why must people be bad people?
Everything should be good to go now. Sorry for the down time.
anyone got this application or a link to it ? the original site is down
Not a problem at all. I’ll work on it and hopefully have 2 editions as of tomorrow 3pm PST
Thanks for the suggestions
Updated to a portable version.
[10/19/2009] Version 1.22
-Feature: Crash Protection Code
-Feature: Embedded INI Module
-Feature: Portable Mode
Ohh well, if he does mean portable. I can add a setting to the app that makes it if you check it, it will disable the save path and use the application directory.
It’s that easy. Martin, is that a feature you would like as well?
Landmine I think there is a group of users who prefer portable apps over those that need to be installed. So, if it is not a problem for you I suggest you offer both versions :)
Love it!
Wow, you guys are fast. I just made this app a little while ago. And you already picked it up and wrote about it.
I’m impressed.
can u send me a copy or a link to the this prog
Any standalone versions?
Standalone like you don’t need the .Net Framework?
This application requires Framework 3.5, should be on most systems that run Windows Updates.
He probably means portable