Flickr File Synchronization Software

Martin Brinkmann
May 11, 2009
Updated • Jul 16, 2017
Software, Windows software

FlickrSync is an Open Source file synchronization software that synchronizes photos with the popular photo hosting site Flickr.

It has to be authorized to communicate with Flickr on first run (which is done on the Flickr homepage) but runs independently from the photo hosting site afterwards.

The interface comes with a basic folder browser which can be used to select folders that you want synchronized with your Flickr account. The selection of a folder opens a properties dialog that offers several configuration options for the synchronization.


file synchronization software

This includes a title and description for that folder on Flickr, permission settings (public, private, only friends, only family, friends and family), a matching method (what to do if images already exist on Flickr), order and filters.

A click on the View and Sync all button will process all folders that have been selected for synchronization and displays new images in a preview window. A click on the sync button in the preview window will start the file synchronization process that transfers the files to Flickr.

It is also possible to right-click a folder and synchronize its contents (and the contents of its subfolder if selected) this way.

FlickrSync can be run automatically from the command line after the first configuration. This process requires no user interaction which makes it a great way to synchronize photos with Flickr on a regular basis, e.g. during system startup or after moving photos from a digital camera to the computer system.

The file synchronization software FlickrSync supports all Flickr image formats. It is compatible with computer systems running Windows XP or later Microsoft operating systems. Please note that it requires the Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 to run.

Update: The developer seems to have abandoned the program judging from missing compatibility information for newer versions of Microsoft Windows. The last update dates back to 2014. While it may still work, it seems unlikely that it does.

Flickr has released its own tool, called Uploadr for Windows and Mac, but it is only available to Pro users of the photo hosting service. The company has released apps for iOS and Android with upload functionality, and they appear not to be restricted to Pro account owners only.


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  1. topsris said on May 15, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    Flickr File Synchronization Software

  2. Andrew said on May 11, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    I noticed this for a while: why do you get the post ideas from other websites and don’t post the source. Anyway i hate that. I’m not the author of any such post but have in my RSS reader all the blogs from where you copy your articles

    1. Martin said on May 11, 2009 at 6:00 pm

      I’m tired to defend myself against people like you who make anonymous claims without any proof whatsoever. Just for the little possibility that you can think before acting. Ever heard of Codeplex? No? Look it up, especially their RSS feed. Tell me what you find there today. Oh, and an apology would be really really welcome as well.

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