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Cleaning the Inside of a Computer

The insides of computers get dusty and grubby, it's just a fact of life.  Running all those electrical components builds up tiny static charges which draw in dust that clings to the […]

Microsoft Hotmail Improved, Keyboard Shortcuts, Personalization

If you have a web based email account, chance is that you either use Yahoo Mail, Google Mail or Microsoft Hotmail for that account. There are hundreds of smaller email providers, but […]

team fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 Turns Free To Play

While we are gamers at heart here at Ghacks, we usually do not write that much about gaming. But when someone drops a bomb, we have the urge to tell the world. […]


uTorrent 3 Final Bittorrent Client Released

After what felt like an eternity, the final version of the popular lightweight Bittorrent client uTorrent 3 has been released today. The final version is build 25406 and existing users should see […]

pogoplug remote desktop access

Shoot to the Clouds with Pogoplug Remote Access Software

It seems that techies want to yell louder and louder about cloud computing every day. It’s apparently the way of the future, exhilarating, terrifying, and the best and worst things you can […]

wieldy to-do manager

Wieldy, To-Do Manager With Outlook, Dropbox Synchronization

I took note of Wieldy for the first time when the software's developer asked me to host the latest program versions here on Ghacks (if you are a software developer contact me […]


The 10 Advantages of Xplorer2

The default file manager in Windows has improved immensely over the years, but there is still room for improvement. A few years ago I switched to Xplorer2 (lite), associating folders and drives […]


AppCleaner, Temporary File Cleaner From The Makers Of UpdateStar

When it comes to cleaning temporary files in Windows, the first program that comes to the mind of most computer users is the popular CCleaner by Pirisoft. There is an abundance of […]

drweb form before download

Downloading Software From Third Party Sites Makes Sense, Sometimes

Whenever I want to download software, I try to do so from the developer website and not third party websites. Not necessarily because I trust the developer website more, but to make […]

Updates Make Workrave a Crucial Element of Workplace Safety for Computer Users

Five years ago Ghacks released a blurb about a new program that was brand new for computers. Called Workrave, the small application provided notices to keep computer users from spending too many […]

Microsoft Analytics For Twitter

Twitter has not only become a tool for Internet users to write and exchange messages, but also for marketers and researchers who want to analyze the dynamics or trends on the Internet […]

firefox updates

Mozilla: Firefox 5 Release Means EOL For Firefox 4

The Firefox rapid release process that Mozilla switched to has caused some confusion about continuing support for older versions of the browser. While there was never an official support timeline before and […]

opera old

Opera Featherweight Introduces Interface Changes

Every browser developer seems to be inclined these days to streamline and at the same time minimize the user interface. We have seen it with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, and now […]

windows 7 theme manager

Windows 7 Theme Manager

Update: Development of the program has been stopped. Since it relies on a working server to pull the latest themes from, it is not working properly anymore. We have removed all links […]

Why Microsoft Keep Getting the Focus of your PC Wrong

It's the age-old problem with Windows and something I get more email about than anything else.  All the time people are emailing me saying that Windows has failed and they're at risk […]

digital image catalog

Catalog Digital Images With vvvP

I started taking photos with digital cameras when they first came out, switched cameras several times since then and recently bought my fifth or so digital camera, a Canon EOS 600D. I […]

google url shortener

Selecting The Right URL Shortener Can Make A Difference

It can seem to us that the internet is a limitless place, and in many ways it is. Organizations can always expand their servers to accommodate more traffic, or more content, of […]

notepad load times

Trimming the Fat in Notepad++

Notepad++ is a great text editor for Windows. It has a lot of features and is very customizable. The downside to the program is that the load times can be noticeable. The […]

Memory Microchip: No Longer Science Fiction

Since the days of Star Wars and Star Trek, we’ve dreamed of technological advances that would make us faster, stronger and capable of doing more than ever before. Sure, we’re not quite […]

facebook google+1

Like+1 For Chrome Combines Like and Google+1 Buttons

Update: The browser extension for Chrome has not been updated since 2011 and appears abandoned by the developer. It is no longer working and we have made the decision to remove the […]

nitro pdf reader

Nitro PDF Reader 2 Final Released

When it comes to pdf readers Windows users have lots of choices. From Adobe Reader over third party alternatives such as Sumatra or Foxit Reader to built-in pdf readers in browsers such […]

skydrive view

Microsoft Updates SkyDrive, Faster, Better, With HTML5 Support

SkyDrive, Microsoft's cloud hosting service, has been around since 2007. The service gives users access to 25 Gigabytes of free online storage, for file hosting, sharing and collaboration. While it has been […]

Have A Secret? Don't Post It On The Internet!

Here is a rule of thumb that is more important than ever on today's Internet: Do not post anything on the Internet that you do not want others to find out about […]

Apple Drops Black MacBook Air for Being Disgusting

Apple last year had problems making its black iPhone 4 white, and now it appears the company has also had issues making it's lovely silver Macbook Air black. It's been rumoured for […]

Software Developers: Host Your Files On Ghacks

I always wanted to go ahead with a download directory on Ghacks, but never had the time to ready the site for this. I have started hosting some files here on Ghacks, […]

new folder wizard

Organize Tangles of Files by Quickly Creating Daily Folders

Some of us wind up creating a lot of unique documents and files each day. It tends to clutter up our Documents folder and slow down navigation when trying to pinpoint a […]

browser history

3 Options To Analyze Past Computer Usage

Operating systems and applications often save loads and loads of information, often without the user knowing about it. This can have privacy implications, considering that it may be possible to recover files, […]

Netflix in Violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

The National Association of the Deaf has sued Netflix, the movie rental company that offers it’s videos via the mail and by online instant access. The NAD is suing them for failure […]


Optimize Websites With GTmetrix Web Performance Reports

As a webmaster, you have to make sure that your websites are loading as fast as possible, without sacrificing functionality. While it may be cool to have ten 500 Kilobyte images on […]

Sony Prepares for Tablet Launch As Verizon Leaks a Peek at the Motorola Xoom 4G

Friday and Saturday have uncovered some pretty interesting things about the new contenders entering the tablet market. Both Sony and Motorola are apparently rushing towards new releases, and while both are expected […]


When Working With PDF Printers, Watch The File Sizes

Roman just posted an interesting observation about pdf printers on the Ghacks forum. He noticed that the output file size of pdf printers differed considerably. In his own test, he noticed a […]

word default file save location

How To Change The Default Picture Save Location In Microsoft Word

I'm frequently getting articles submitted as Word documents. These documents include pictures and the text, and I somehow have to save the pictures to my local drive before I can upload them […]


Unlock Reddit’s Full Potential with Chrome Add-Ons and Extensions

Thousands of internet users have discovered the joys of Reddit, a web portal that provides users with access to images, underground news and the latest memes through a simple and seemingly pre-2000 […]

ICANN to allow .anytld to be used on the web

In a major shakeup for the Internet, the global Internet governing body ICANN has voted to allow any word or name to be used as an Internet suffix. Currently the number of […]

How To Split Videos In VirtualDub

After discovering how to merge avi movies in VirtualDub I ran into the opposite problem. I had a video that had a playtime of about 60 minutes. The YouTube account I wanted […]

Sega loses 1.29 million people's data in hack!

Sega is the latest company to admit to being hacked and has admitted that in a recent attack on its computer systems, the personal details of 1.29 million customers was stolen. The […]

SUPERAntiSpyware Acquired By

We have reviewed both the free and professional version of the popular malware remover SUPERAntiSpyware here at Ghacks. Many users find the free version sufficient for all related tasks, while fewer find […]

foto bounce

Face Recognition Software is a Big Organizational Help when Done Properly

Facebook’s new face recognition software that has been added to its photo applications has caused a lot of buzz. Many people, including Martin here at Ghacks, have written about this feature, and […]

save all tabs

SaveAll Add-on Saves All Firefox Tabs

Firefox ships with options to save individual pages to the local hard drive. These pages are then accessible offline, which is great for research and preservation of information. If you use Firefox […]

If Caught in Hacking Crossfire, Defend Your Information Furiously

It seems that those friendly, harmless little hackers from LulzSec have turned their attention, at least momentarily, from computing giants to passing bystanders in the evolving battle that has been kicking up […]