TikTok wants creators to label AI-generated content

Onur Demirkol
Aug 10, 2023

TikTok wants creators to label their content if it is AI-generated. The company is helping out streamers ease the process by adding a simple toggle that will label the content if it was generated by artificial intelligence.

The new label feature allows artists to declare whether their postings contain AI-generated material more easily. When submitting a video, a toggle is labeled "AI-generated content" under "more options." TikTok notes under the toggle that the label will assist in avoiding "content removal" and that the platform may remove unlabeled material.

TikTok has already said that deepfake videos will be prohibited from the platform in 2020, as stated in their Community Guidelines. The app defines deepfakes as "Digital Forgeries (Synthetic Media or Manipulated Media) that deceive users by distorting the truth of events and cause significant harm to the subject of the video, other people, or society." A viral deepfake of Joe Rogan was pulled down in February 2023.


TikTok has added a new toggle to make the labeling process easier

TikTok is making it easier for producers on the site to identify AI-generated videos. The business has implemented a new setting that allows producers to identify AI-generated films. This label will show next to the title of the video and will assist viewers in identifying AI-generated material.

TikTok is introducing an AI-generated content label in response to worries about the growth of deepfakes on the site. Deepfakes are videos edited to look like someone spoke or did something they never said or did. TikTok had already prohibited deepfake films from being uploaded to the service, but this new label will aid in discouraging artists from posting deepfakes without declaring them.

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The new label is also intended to help TikTok viewers be more selective about the content they watch. Viewers will be able to quickly recognize AI-generated material with the label and make educated judgments about whether or not to believe it.


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  1. Jeff Wilson said on August 11, 2023 at 2:39 pm

    Saw an AI generated video on YouTube with the President of the LDS Church essentially condemning his own religion. The video was labeled AI. But if you fail to note that and just watch the video, you’d think it was real. Scary stuff, like pornography for losers.

  2. TelV said on August 10, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Amusing story on the Guardian newspaper site today about an app a supermarket created to help customers plan interesting meals.

    Apparently, the app recommended a recipe using ordinary supermarket ingredients which would result in chlorine gas being created. A few more in the link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/10/pak-n-save-savey-meal-bot-ai-app-malfunction-recipes

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