AndreaMosaic: mosaic creation software

AndreaMosaic is a free cross-platform mosaic creation software that is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux devices.
The Windows version is compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows 2000 onward including Windows 7 and Windows 10.
It is offered as a portable version or installer. If you download the portable version, you will notice that it is offered as a self-extracting archive. Please note that it won't extract the files to a root directory unless you change the target manually.
You may also download a beta version of AndreaMosaic, and a user manual in six languages from the author's website.
The main interface looks crowded on start, but you will notice after a moment that it is well designed and easy to use.
The mosaic creation process has you load an image that you want to turn into a mosaic, and images that you want used for that.
First thing you do is load the image that you want to reproduce as a mosaic.
AndreaMosaic supports only jpg or png images for that. If the source image is in a different format, you need to convert it first before you can load it in the application.
A preview of the image is displayed right away. The parameters on the left define the output. The following preferences can be customized:
- Mosaic Size and resolution.
- Tile size.
- Pattern.
- 1/2 and 1/4 Tiles.
- Use same tile up to X times.
- Duplicate spacing.
- Color change.
- Tile variants (original, mirror, rotated, flipped, integral).
Click on the Tile Images (2) icon at the top to select images that you want AndreaMosaic to use for the tiles of the mosaic. A sample image list of 500 images is available for download on the author's website.
It is recommended to load at least several hundred images for use by the software, as the result won't look nearly as good with a smaller sample size.
You may create and save lists here, so that you can load them in the future directly. This speeds up the process significantly. Another interesting option is the ability to extract tiles from a video file.
Make sure you select "save list" to save the list before you continue.
A preview of the mosaic is not displayed at this point. This means that you have to click on the process mosaic button (3), and open the mosaic file after the processing is done to find out if looks fine or if parameters need to be adjusted.
The preferences of the program display additional options. You may change mosaic creation parameters there, and output parameters. Mosaic parameters determine the quality of the mosaic that is created by the application.
Output parameters the target file format and quality, directory, and whether you want AndreaMosaic to create a HTML page that displays the mosaic as well during the processing phase.
Check out these mosaic creation alternatives as well: Foto Mosaik (Windows),or Easy Moza (online).
Closing Words
AndreaMosaic is a sophisticated cross-platform mosaic creation software. It offers an extensive set of features and options. The one thing missing is a preview option directly in the application.