Wallpaper Downloader is a popular high quality celebrity and model wallpaper website on the Internet. Wallpapers on the site are constantly updated and offered in several resolutions.
Wallpapers can be downloaded in the most appropriate resolution to the local computer system to use them as desktop backgrounds. That's a manual operation however and some users may prefer to automate the downloading.
The free application Downloader automates that process. The software program offers two core features.
The first feature is the ability to display a random wallpaper from the website in the program interface. It is then possible to enlarge the image for a closer look or set it as the new desktop wallpaper. The name of the celebrity is displayed in the program window as well.
A click on the Next Wallpaper button uses a random image from the website directly as the wallpaper on the computer. The second feature automates the process. The software can be configured to download and set a new wallpaper on startup of the application which works well when its combined with the autostart option to start the program during Windows startup.
It is possible to configure the software to only display wallpapers that fit the screen size of the computer monitor. Users who do not mind can configure smaller wallpapers to stretch or center. Downloader contains an option to change the desktop wallpaper periodically. Intervals between one and 240 minutes are available for selection. A small amount of wallpapers on contain nudity, discretion is advised.
The wallpaper downloader is offered for download at the Sourceforge project site. The open source software is compatible with most 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the windows operating system. It is ideal for users who like to see pictures of popular female celebrities such as Avril Lavigne, Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba or Naomi Watts.
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