Domain Name Registration Lookup

There are literally thousands of online services that allow webmasters to look up domain name registration information. These services will tell the webmaster if a domain name is available for registration or already registered, and they will also display information on the owner if the domain is registered.
Many domain registrars allow customers to place orders on registered domain names. This is basically an order to register the domain name should it ever be dropped by its current owner.
There are however only a few software programs available to look up domain name registration information.
Note: The program Domain Name Status Reporter is no longer available. We suggest you use WhoisThisDomain instead, a free portable program for Windows.
Domain Name Status Reporter
The program Domain Name Status Reporter supports the most popular domain name extensions like com, net and org but also country specific domain name extensions such as de, ca or fr.
It is possible to add new domain extensions in the options. All it takes is to enter the domain extension and a whois look up server that provides the required information. Domain names can be entered manually or automatically by loading them from a text file. Each domain name is listed in a table like structure in the main program window.
A click on Lookup All will perform the domain name registration lookup. The program will display if the domain name is available or taken. If it is taken it will display information about the registration date, the domain registrar, the domain expiration date and the last domain update.
The program lacks the means to automate the look ups so that the added domain names can be checked regularly. There is also no option to go to the registrar's website directly, or display contact information.
Information can be copied and exported, which can be useful for further processing in other programs. The developers have updated the program to be compatible with all recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Closing Words
Domain Name Registration Lookup is a handy program to check one or multiple domain names for registration information manually. It could use an automatic option that notifies users when a domain's status changes.

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