Gmail Mail Notifier

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 13, 2009
Updated • Jan 7, 2015
Email, Gmail

Update: Note that the program has been last updated in 2009. While it may still work, it is advised to use a program that is updated regularly. One of the programs you can use for that is Google's official Gmail Mail Checker for the Chrome browser. Update End

If you do not want to keep Gmail open in a web browser all the time and also do not like the idea of installing an email client to monitor the Gmail inbox (either because they use to much system resources or pose a risk to privacy) you might want to check out the Gmail mail notifier Gdow.

Gdow is a lightweight portable application that runs quietly in the Windows system tray. It will check the Gmail inbox sporadically and notify you when new mails have arrived. The gmail mail notifier will display the current unread mail count of the Gmail inbox in the system tray and even display mail previews when hovering over the system tray icon.

The notifier has to be configured before it can be used. Among the required settings are the Gmail username and password. You can configure the type of information that are displayed (object, summary, sender's name and address), and the way it is displayed (messagebox, popup balloon, transparent form).

It is furthermore possible to change the mail check interval and enable sound notifications for new mails. The system tray icon contains a link to the Gmail inbox. The way the inbox is opened can be configured in the options as well. Among the options are the possibility to open the inbox in the default web browser or default email client.

Gdow uses roughly 12 Megabytes of computer memory while running. The Gmail mail notifier will run on most Windows operating systems including Windows XP and Windows Vista.

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  1. [email protected] said on September 9, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    i like my gmail so much i cant resist loosing my one and only gmail

  2. Sue said on March 5, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Anyone know why mail notifier wont work on my apple Macbook? Works when first downloaded, but not for long.

  3. abimaelrosario said on August 24, 2009 at 7:30 pm

    puerto rico

  4. Greg said on May 31, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    The official Gmail notifier doesn’t work with https, which is why I’ve been searching for another notifier. Gdow, mentioned in the article above, works fine, but every time I check for mail, it puts a bunch of .dll files on my desktop! I’ve just deleted it. Does anyone know of a notifier that a) works with Chrome, and b) works?

  5. yair said on May 10, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    better use this one:

  6. jeff said on February 20, 2009 at 2:59 am

    ok its good

  7. Robert Palmar said on February 14, 2009 at 12:18 am

    [kemkosal — you might try this tool to restore regedit:

    I use the Gmail Manager extension for Firefox.
    However, Firefox is not always running.
    I have been using the basic Gmail
    notifier for just those times.

    This one affords more information in the popup,
    perhaps enough that I might not need to
    check the email to find out more
    which is very useful.

    Thanks Martin, I’ll try this one.

  8. info said on February 13, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    i use the gmail notifier addon for firefox, its almost the same like this apps, just as an extention. i have my webbrowser open all the time anyway at work and at home. is the homepage for it.

    firefox is in the memory anyway, so why wasting memory and one more running process.

    my 2 cents.

  9. Zaven said on February 13, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Just wondering what the point of this program is. Google already has a gmail notifier that works pretty well and has a minimal footprint. Why risk trusting some third party software when the official one works just as well. Or you could always use google talk desktop client which does notifications as well (for me it takes up 16MB).

  10. kemkosal said on February 13, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    my computer can’t run regedit even I try to install Tune Up Utilities software for run regedit is stiil can’t.

    How can I run to regedi.

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