Live Mesh Applications

Sep 10, 2008

From the whole “Google is an OS” discussion going on across the blogosphere you’d think Microsoft is in complete denial about the future of cloud computing and has absolutely no initiatives in place.

Well soon we’ll get a glimpse of the possibilities of Windows Live Mesh synchronisation platform, and it’s a hell of a lot more then simple data synchronisation across multiple devices.

Essentially Live Mesh is a platform from which applications can run from the desktop, from the web and from various different devices. Long Zheng posted some screenshots of a test application demonstrating this in action.

The potential for this is simply amazing and I’m really exited for when the Mesh platform is released fully and applications become available. Imagine this situation… you have a 15 gigabyte library of songs which you can now synchronise into the cloud and your Live Mesh Online desktop. Any changes you make to the music files can be synchronised between platforms. Imagine having a media application running from the Mesh platform. sing this you could be anywhere, decide you want to access your music library or songs and simply go onto your online desktop and play them as if you where on your computer at home.

If you ask me this kind of situation is a whole lot more appealing then this entirely cloud-based OS we keep hearing so much about.

I’m excited. What’s your opinion?


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  1. Josh said on September 11, 2008 at 5:11 am

    “Everyone seems to be gung ho about moving their data to the cloud when it comes to small documents but I think people forget how much data they have locally and the problem presented with trying to keep that data in sync across a network with multiple devices (i.e. movies and music).”

    Haha exactly mholsather that’s what I wonder about too… we sure use out computers for more then word processing

  2. Ellen said on September 10, 2008 at 11:04 pm

    I’ve been using Live Mesh for a while and love the ease of sharing folders across computers. If I change a file on one computer it is almost instantly changed on the other. I also have been connecting to my desktop from other computers and using programs stored on that computer. It’s pretty quick, no lag in response.

    My only complaint is I wish it would sync my Outlook .pst file. Unfortunately at this time it doesn’t and I am paying for a service called which keeps the .pst file in sync between computers.

  3. mholsather said on September 10, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    I’ve been using Live Mesh since it’s initial beta release to sync some folders across my network and I have to say it is very slick. It has a lot of potential. I think this will be the way forward for Microsoft until we can truly rely on a cloud computing infrastructure. Everyone seems to be gung ho about moving their data to the cloud when it comes to small documents but I think people forget how much data they have locally and the problem presented with trying to keep that data in sync across a network with multiple devices (i.e. movies and music). I don’t see Google, Microsoft or any other company allowing the kind of storage necessary to house media files in the cloud or if we’ll have the bandwidth necessary to access those type of files efficiently in the near future. Mesh may be a transition strategy but it will be a long transition and one that I haven’t seen any other company present a solution to other than Microsoft.

  4. Domdom said on September 10, 2008 at 2:06 pm

    One great advantage with the latest version of Mesh is direct automatic background P2P based sync between laptop and desktop for instance of data (not included in the 15 Gb), so it is very efficient and secure. But Mesh doesnt seem to be avail. outside the US … :-(

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