Port Scanning Networking Tool SuperScan
SuperScan is a free port scanning networking tool that has the primary purpose of scanning an IP range. It supports extremely fast Host Discovery lookups as well as TCP and UDP port scans thanks to its multi-threaded and asynchronous techniques.
The Hostname resolving that is supported as well is more or less instantly. Users can enter a hostname, IP or IP range and start the scan. The Port Scanning will take a while depending on the number if IPs that are to be scanned. A HTML report is generated at the end that is displaying the amount of discovered hosts and the open TCP and UDP ports.
Several port scanning options are available. It is for instance possible to select a distinct port range that should be scanned, timeouts and host discovery requests. SuperScan is not a pretty application but one that does the job very well. It takes a while to look through all the tabs provided in the software program to get accustomed to it.
SuperScan does offer a wide range of networking tools besides the port scanning. It provides access to networking tools like Ping, Whois Lookups and Get Requests and even Windows host enumeration.
Yes port scanning can be extremely useful on newer laptops!!
Useful. Port scanning is useful on new laptops for devices
I wonder if anti-viruses will get any faster with scanning? We scan thousands of documents per day to convert text and Im sure thats faster.