uTorrent 1.6.1 update fixes remote exploit

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 15, 2007
Updated • May 28, 2013
File Sharing, Internet

I'm so glad that I made the change from Bitcomet to uTorrent some time ago because uTorrent is by far the most efficient bittorrent client that I got my fingers on and I have tried many different clients in the past .It offers great speeds, is low on the resource-side of things and comes as a tiny client of just 173 Kilobytes.

A new uTorrent version was released two days ago which fixes a remote exploit which was discovered earlier on. Hackers could exploit the vulnerability by manipulating torrent files that, when loaded in uTorrent, would cause a buffer overflow of the computer so that they could run code on it to take over the machine.

To update, replace the new file with the old uTorrent file and everything should work as usual afterwards. The list of changes for uTorrent 1.6.1

  • Feature: Select upload/download speed for a torrent through the right-click menu
  • Feature: Added encryption box to speed guide- Change: Don't check as many pieces at the same time.
  • Change: Misc WebUI changes.
  • Change: Switch to JSON for webinterface
  • Fix: Problem with category list in the gui when updated from the webui
  • Fix: WebUI not clearing state between requests.
  • Fix: Redirect also index.html to guest.html
  • Fix: Added On Now shows the time it's added, not loaded.
  • Fix: JSON uses " instead of '
  • Fix: (a) Upnp fix
  • Fix: Show pause icon when checking is paused.
  • Fix: Fixed problems with XML parser
  • Fix: Don't allow two message boxes to be shown in the RSS window
  • Fix: Changed some window titles
  • Fix: Fix malformed .torrent exploit
  • Fix: Boss key field is now larger

Update: The client has seen lots of progress in the past years. You can download the latest version of the Bittorrent client from the official website. It is still offered as a free program, but also as uTorrent Plus, a commercial version that introduces additional features including antivirus, a media player and converter.


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  1. concerned said on January 20, 2008 at 2:02 am

    now theres a concern about utorrent 1.6.1
    just hear say but now i really dont know what to use lol. they say the update is clean and 1.6 has spyware. Azureus could very well be the way to go. just like to see a simpple client like utorrent without all the concerns.

  2. Joe said on February 16, 2007 at 11:48 pm

    Don’t know,… I will go back to Azureus despite resources issue cause it’s open source client and that’s what counts in this times. What do you think about Operas own BT client? I had a feeling it’s way to slow.

  3. Joe said on February 16, 2007 at 1:38 am

    Comment from betanews worth reading:
    Reviewer: DudeBoyz Feb 15, 2007
    Version: 1.6.1 Build 490

    “Utorrent 1.6 Standard, the last final build, was done before the company was purchased and the new code written. That version should be safe I believe and is still an excellent client.

    The fact that Utorrent is now owned and being updated by people that have signed agreements with the RIAA and MPAA and NOT the original programmer, should give anybody pause.

    If you wish to use Utorrent, I’d simply say stay with the 1.6 Standard final version and do not use anything after that release.

    I for one do not wish to support ANY effort by someone so chummy with the RIAA and MPAA, period. I don’t see why anybody would want to, especially with the original author no longer coding the program. He cashed out and he’s done. Whatever happens from this point forward is no longer something he’s involved in, I believe.

    If the RIAA and MPAA can’t kill ’em, they buy ’em and reprogram them. Bearshare, Utorrent, what’s next? They are letting their money do the fighting for them and have ruined what was a fantastic product. Too bad it wasn’t made Open Source so someone could continue on the work in the right way.

    The backlash against Utorrent is not FUD. Simply looking at who bought the program and who is now updating the code should be enough to convince anybody that the Utorrent we knew is gone. 1.6 Standard is the last REAL version of Utorrent. Anything after that is suspect.”

    There is some kind of small war going between BT clients. Peer Guardian started to block uTorrent, and Bitornado is blocking Bitcomet… and so on. It’s difficult to decide which client to use. :(

    1. Martin said on February 16, 2007 at 8:54 am

      I see that this could concern some users. I took the time and read the whole announcement thread in the utorrent forum and most users are really unhappy with the decision the developer of utorrent made.

      I will write an article about it addressing the issues. The problem is the choice of client, what is left ?

      Azureus ? uses to many ressources in my opinion
      bitcomet ? seen as a leecher client
      bitornado ? looks great, tested it, misses features like multiple torrents in one window
      abc ? based on bitornado, have no experience with it.

      what else could be used that comes near uTorrent ?

  4. chris said on February 15, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    utorrent is great but i like bitornado better, i always get the fastest speeds with it and its only 4 kb ;-)

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