Mobile Computing - Latest Posts

binary eye

BinaryEye is an open source ad-free barcode scanner for Android

BinaryEye is a highly rated open source barcode and QR code reader for Android devices that supports generating codes as well. Modern Android versions include QR scanning functionality provided that Google Apps […]

readian news

Readian News is an Android and web-based news reader that puts you in control

Readian News is a brand new news reader application for Google Android devices and a web news reader. It puts users in control when it comes to news sources and topics to […]

google play timeline

Starting 2022, Google Play Android apps have to reveal data collecting and sharing information

All Android applications that are available on Google Play will soon have to provide information on its data collecting, sharing and other privacy information. Google VP Suzanne Frey announced the plan today […]

biscuitbrowser android firefox

SmartCookieWeb Preview is a Telemetry-free browser based on Mozilla's GeckoView component

The developer of SmartCookieWeb, a WebView-based mobile browser for Android that is based on Lightning browser, has released public beta versions of the upcoming GeckoView-based browser SmartCookieWeb Preview for Android. Like SmartCookieWeb, SmartCookieWeb […]

google play application titles

Google is doing something against misleading Play Store titles, names and icons

If you have been to Google's Play Store recently, the Android application repository for lots of devices, then you may have encountered a fair share of applications and games that tried to […]

telegram web interface

Telegram with new web versions, payments improvements and scheduled voice chats and

Telegram is a popular messaging solution that is used by millions of users worldwide. The developers of Telegram published an update that brings massive improvements to users, group administrators, and also merchants […]

chrome 64-bit

Google is pushing 64-bit Chrome on Android

If you are using Chrome on Android devices, you may run a 64-bit version of the browser after the upgrade to Chrome 89 on the device, instead of the 32-bit version of […]

snapseed- eview

Snapseed is a powerful mobile photo-editing app

Snapseed is a free photo-editing application by Google for the mobile operating systems Android and iOS. Third-party tools are often superior to those that ship with operating systems by default; this is […]

whatsapp automatic replies

Open Source Watomatic Android app sends automatic WhatsApp replies

Regular WhatsApp accounts don't come with options to send automatic replies, e.g. to inform users who contact you that you are on Holiday or decided to migrate away from WhatsApp because of […]

exodus android trackers

List trackers and permissions of all installed Android applications with Exodus

Exodus is a free privacy application for Google's Android operating system that reveals the use of trackers of installed Android applications and their permissions. We reviewed Exodify, browser extensions by the Exodus […]

firefox 85 android

Firefox 85 for Android released with DRM stream support and usability improvements

Mozilla released Firefox 85.0 Stable for all supported desktop operating systems last week. Firefox 85 is the first stable version of Firefox without Flash support, and Mozilla did add a number of […]

firefox android addons extensions support

Firefox for Android is still miles away from full extension support

When Mozilla launched the redesigned Firefox mobile browser for Android, codename Fenix, in 2020, it knew that the new browser did not support all the features of the previous one. The organization […]

photok-protect photos images android

Protect your Android photos with Photok from prying eyes

Photok is a free open source application for Google Android devices that provides you with options to store photos on the Android device in a protected environment to add another layer of […]

picture this

Use PictureThis to identify plants on your mobile

Ever wondered what the name of a particular plant that you came across was, where it originally came from, or what it favors in terms of light, soil and temperature? PictureThis is […]

whatsapp change wallpaper chat individually

WhatsApp adds option to set custom wallpapers for individual chats and themes

The most recent update of the messaging application WhatsApp introduces a new feature to all WhatsApp users to set custom wallpapers for individual chats and themes in the client. Previous versions of […]

android platform distribution lets encrypt

Pre-Android 7.1.1 devices will face connectivity issues next year

From September 1, 2021 forward, Android devices still running pre-Android 7.1.1  will face connectivity issues for a large number of sites and services. Update: A solution has been found that ensures that […]

firefox 82 android

Firefox 82 for Android is now available

It took a bit longer this time to release the Firefox 82 update for Android systems, but it is finally here. Firefox 82.1.1 is now available via Google Play and should auto-update […]

google-photos android text translate copy

Use Google Photos to identify, translate and use text on photos

Google Photos is probably not the most loved application for viewing, editing and managing photos on Android devices. The app is available on many different devices, and while its functionality differs, as […]

firefox-nightly android custom addons

You can now install any add-on in Firefox Nightly for Android, but it is complicated

Mozilla released a new Firefox Nightly version for Android, and this one is special, as it is the first version of the new Firefox for Android that allows users to install any […]

vlc android 3.3 1

VLC 3.3 for Android introduces a massive list of new features

VideoLAN, the maker of the popular VLC Media Player, has released VLC 3.3 for Android today. The new version is a massive improvement over previous versions. Most of the work went into […]

access dots

Access Dots displays camera and microphone activity indicators on Android

Access Dots is a free application for Google's Android operating system that displays camera and microphone activity indicators on the screen. Apple unveiled a new version of its iOS operating system this […]

firefox 82 android permanent address bar

Firefox 82 for Android with option to display the address bar permanently

An upcoming version of the new Firefox web browser for Android will feature an option to make the address bar permanent in the browser's user interface. Currently, if you use the Firefox […]

vivaldi tab at bottom

Vivaldi 3.3 for Android released with address bar at bottom option

Vivaldi launched the first beta version of its mobile web browser for Google's Android operating system about a year ago. The browser included several customization options that most Chromium-based browsers lack, including […]

android 11 screen record

How to use Android 11's built-in screen recorder

Google released the final version of Android 11 this month to the public. Only select devices have received the update at the time of writing, but it is only a matter of […]

firefox 81 downloads

Firefox 81 for Android gets much needed Downloads interface

When Mozilla released the new Firefox web browser for Android, it appeared rushed in several regards and while users liked the improvements done to web compatibility and performance, others criticized Mozilla for […]

firefox automatic tab closing

Firefox 81 for Android gets an automatic tab closing option

The next version of the new Firefox mobile browser for Google's Android operating system includes a new automatic tab closing features. Tab opening and closing behavior differs highly between two major groups […]

firefox-nightly android addons support

Firefox Nightly for Android to get full add-ons support

The Nightly version of the new Firefox web browser for Google's Android operating system will soon get full add-ons support according to a post by Mozilla's Add-ons Community Manager Caitlin Neiman on […]

samsung cloud onedrive

Samsung ends Gallery Sync, Drive, and Premium storage subscriptions, offers OneDrive migration

Samsung announced today that it plans to terminate some of its Samsung Cloud services. The services Gallery Sync, Drive, and Premium storage subscriptions will be deprecated over the course of the coming […]

youtube vanced

YouTube Vanced is a modded version of YouTube that adds much needed features

YouTube Vanced is a modded version of YouTube for Google's Android operating system that adds much needed features to the client. Features that it adds include background playback, ad-blocking, sponsor-blocking, and more. […]

firefox 79 search

Firefox 79 for Android tweaks and tips

Mozilla's new mobile browser for Android, Firefox 79, has been released. Users of the classic browser will be upgraded to the new version automatically over the coming weeks, and new users may […]

firefox preview addons

Firefox for Android migration begins for Stable channel users

Mozilla has been working on a new mobile browser for Google's Android operating system called Fenix internally. Android users could install Firefox Preview and Firefox Beta versions of the new browser on […]

Telegram profile videos

Telegram increases file size limit to 2GB, adds support for multiple accounts on Desktop, profile videos on mobile

Cloud messaging service Telegram has announced a major update for its apps on mobile and desktop. It brings a slew of new features, here's a list of the important ones. File size […]

chrome android schedule downloads

Chrome for Android: new download options including scheduling

Google is working on improving the download options provided by the company's Google Chrome web browser for the Android operating system. Current versions of Chrome for Android offer little when it comes […]

privacybreacher android privacy issues

PrivacyBreacher for Android reveals data that apps have access to without extra permission requests

PrivacyBreacher is an open source Android application that has been created to showcase some privacy issues on Android devices. It has been created to demonstrate privacy issues on Android, and is based […]

android 11 auto revoke permissions

Android 11 may revoke app permissions automatically

Google released the third developer preview of the upcoming Android 11 operating system. The preview includes a number of changes and also some new features that developers and those interested in previewing […]

opera 57 android

Opera 57 for Android: improved offline pages and data saving controls

Opera Software launched a new version of the company's mobile web browser for Google's Android operating system today. Opera 57 for Android introduces several improvements and new features including improved data saving […]

google-chrome android cookie changes

Google introduces improved cookie controls in Chrome for Android

Google plans to improve cookie controls of the company's Google Chrome web browser for Android. The company launched SameSite cookie changes in Chrome 80, released in February 2020, and has recently added […]

firefox preview 4.0

Firefox Preview 4.0 Stable brings uBlock Origin support

Mozilla released Firefox Preview 4.0 on March 9, 2020, the latest stable version of the upcoming re-interpretation of Firefox for Android. The new browser version is only available on the project's GitHub […]

google pixel automated rules

A look at the new Rules system of Google Pixel

Google rolled out the March update to all supported Google Pixel Android devices recently and with it came a few changes and new features. One of these changes is a new rules […]

microsoft office android

A Look at Microsoft's new Office app for Android

Microsoft published its new Office application for Android and iOS on February 19, 2020 designed to improve the Office experience on mobile devices. The new Office application was in preview for a couple […]