Breaking: Consumers will be able to extend Windows 10 Support

Microsoft announced a moment ago that Windows 10 consumers will be able to extend the lifetime of their products after October 2025.
Windows 10 is running out of support on October 2025. This means that Microsoft won't distribute security updates or any other update over Windows Updates anymore. Microsoft revealed earlier this year that Windows 10 won't be getting feature updates anymore.
When Windows 7 reached the fate in 2020, Microsoft offered Enterprise and business customers extensions. Called ESU, Extended Support Updates, customers could subscribe to extend support of the operating system on specific devices for up to three years. Consumers, home users, were not allowed to extend the support lifecycle of their devices though. There were workarounds to install these ESU updates on consumer machines, but these were not sanctioned by Microsoft.
The stance on ESU changes in October 2025, as Microsoft just revealed that consumers will also be able to extend support for Windows 10.
Microsoft writes on the Windows Lifecycle FAQ website: "If you are an individual consumer or an organization who elects to continue using Windows 10 after support ends on October 14, 2025, you will have the option of enrolling your PC in the paid Extended Security Updates (ESU) program. The ESU program enables PCs to continue to receive Critical and Important security updates (as defined by the Microsoft Security Response Center) through an annual subscription service after support ends. More details including pricing will be provided at a later date."
In other words, individual consumers and organizations may extend the support period of Windows 10 beyond October 2025. Microsoft confirms that the option requires a payment, but has yet to reveal any details in that regard. It is also unclear for how long support can be extended. It is almost certain that Microsoft will give customers at least three years worth of extended security updates though.
Closing Words
The move is surprising, as it is the first time that Microsoft is offering an extension to consumers. The situation for Windows 10 users is different from Windows 7, however. Windows 7 users always had the option to upgrade their devices to Windows 10 to stay supported.
Not all Windows 10 devices are compatible with Windows 11 on the other hand. Estimates suggest that several hundred million devices may not be compatible with Windows 11. Owners of these devices would have had only a few options at their disposal, if they wanted to continue using their devices. Besides upgrading to Windows 11 by circumventing the compatibility checks and running a version of Windows 10 that is getting less secure with every passing month, it is a migration to Linux that is also possible.

SO, can I get a free copy of win11, if 10 is being purchasable again ?
Really, it is arrogance to admit you’re a techie? The word has a meaning, sure it can be subjective, but no arrogance is required to use it. For example, I do IT support professionally, I am literally a techie – is it also arrogant to say that?
Yeah no shit windows 11 and 10 can be “made better” with tweaks and settings, but as a “””techie”””, I will back up Mike’s comments that Windows definitely has burned most if not all good-will it previously had with “those that are informed regarding the workings and functionality of the Windows operating system family”.
It won’t be everybody, nobody is speaking in absolutes here, there’s a certain type of person that: 1) thinks windows is heading in a better direction (the delusional) and 2) people that do not care enough to kick up a fuss. But there is absolutely a third type of person, one that has seen Microsoft’s recent behaviour for what it is, bonus points if they are old enough to remember how things were before, as it paints an amazing contrast. I mean, for example, doesn’t take a genius to see that basically everything useful in Windows is incredibly old, the new infrastructure is for the most part of no use to us. You can’t even have two instances of settings open which is incredibly pathetic coding.
“any user who would pop onto my main Windows 11 computer wouldn’t know whether it was Windows 10 or Windows 11” the two are literally visually different unless you are using third party tools to change things. Saying that the average person can’t tell the difference is really obtuse and isn’t what anybody was arguing about, so it’s irrelevant – but whilst on the topic: what happens when the average user sees the new right click context menu in windows 11?
In terms of arrogance, it seems you have more of it to go around than “Mike”. You can rebut Mike by crapping on Linux, but I don’t use Linux so it won’t work with me.
@VioletMoon: If you were a techie, i.e. someone who works in IT, you would know that business owners/managers/whatever are adverse to change.
So you have to go with the flow, i.e. Micro$oft. If it were only because if you go Linux and something goes wrong, you’ll be instantly blamed for not having conformed the unwritten rule.
And I’m net even mentioning all the sh*t you’ll get from the users…
Just one tier of a multi tiered plan of attack by Microsoft and the major computer manufacturers union. First scare Windows 10 users into hardware obsolescence because purchase of new pcs is slowing. Your computer isn’t supported for Windows 11 you can’t upgrade until HP Dell or some other gets a piece of your pie.When that tactic is no longer effective enter the next tier. Either purchase a new computer with Windows 11 installed for free or pay for continued support.(not a surprise really been waiting for this a part of the industries continuing assualt on our bank accounts. Either way they still get your money as they had planned. How nice of them to “suddenly” allow this option to home users.
These.companies will soon start hiring retired war generals or covert operations specialists as they raise their efforts in the continuing assault front on consumers. If they wont offer us their money freely we will create tactics so we have them by the ballz.
Their is author who has been doing honest reviews of Linux distros for well over a decade and tracking its progress. He has recently decided to migrate to Linux before Windows 10 support ends. He has been detailing “how to’s” for making the transition along the way including gaming and getting Windows applications to work properly or locating proper alternatives when necessary. Dedoimedo.
Your own ignorance is your own. Linux is everywhere in the professional world. It’s just not typically on end user laptops and desktops that non technical people would use.
For sure it’s not a solution for the average home user. It just does not provide a compelling or good experience for a desktop environment, and anyone who maintains a Linux based environment or is in InfoSec will know that it’s not some security bastion, and updates are not always seamless, and can very well break things.
For me, the day Valve succeeds in its goal of getting games to just run on Linux, I’ll switch to it on my main rig. But I use Linux as part of my profession, so when things go wrong, I can deal with it.
The people complaining about Windows 11 are also confused. Win 11 is perfectly fine. The only thing I don’t like is the inability to move the taskbar from the bottom.
Maybe you should make more of an effort rather than assumption regarding gaming. Boots on the ground proves otherwise. But why base your opinion on actual gaming experience in Linux when whatever you say must be so without actually doing it for yourself.
The unfortunate thing is your egoic need to discourage others before they find out by trying for themselves so they can be another you. Windows 11 is great for the landfill it was intended to be such so wealthy companies can make even more money by stealing everything about you while dumping millions of equal in performance computers. Hey maybe in 3 to 5 more years you can be happy and do it all over again when Windows 12 or 13 comes out. Heck the way things are going Windows may be just like those companies that only allow you to purchase games and movies as a download and the revoke your ownership privelege due to a pre built-in change in their rights of ownership policy which has already occurred. But no worries here. Either since you wont do the actual work when you can just sway people which ever way you want with merely an unvalidated opinion.
For me Linux has been amazing. I began using Linux with windows side by side until i was at a point where i rarely needed or used windows at all. I’m no computer expert but a real world user that was willing to learn something new. Windows to Linux desktop was much much easier than Windows to any cellphone. But you are right why would anyone listen to someone share actual experience when everyone can listen to and be discouraged by your assumptions instead.
Peace to those willing to try things for themselves?
A Microsoft account is required for this additional coverage. With lots more ads being added to the Windows OS. It isway past time for you to look at and install alternatives to Microsoft.
If only they had done this for Windows 7, I would have been paying them thru the nose all this time…
On a bitter note, I wish all those windows-10 embracing people, who said good riddance to Windows 7 and mocked those who didn’t/don’t want to move on, the same trouble, woes and mockery from the Windows 11 people, that they gave to us. They well and truly deserve it – how does it feel that your own EOL for your favourite OS is on the horizon now?
Pity the support offer doesn’t apply to Windows 8.1. I would have gladly have taken M$ up on such an offer had it become available.
Also, 0Patch stated in response to a user query last year that they wouldn’t support Win 8.1 due to too few users.
Dutch users unfortunately have no use for any Linux distro since those OS are not supported by a mandatory app we use for interaction with local and national government called DigID.
In Germany, they have a version of the software which works with Linux, but not over here unfortunately.
Unless I have to install some peripheral that does not have Windows driver or no browser with Manifest V2 support will work on Windows 10, I am not interested in any Windows updates whatsoever. I have antivirus and firewall for security. I have backups for every file on external hard drives. Furthermore, I even keep a copy of my passwords just in case. Even if somebody breaks into my computer, damage to me will be negligible. And if something goes wrong, I have a copy of declawed Windows 10 to reinstall the next day. And if I will have to buy new computer with Windows 11 I will create partition for old Windows 10 and use it like nothing happened. Those Windows updates only have negative value to me.
I presume that will also offer updates for three more years. Excellent.
Just picked up 2 MSI MAG Z790 Tomahawk Mobos on Amazon for 30% off.
Still need to get the CPU’s, NMVe’s and memory, and 1 new case because the old Alienware Area 51 case, as beautiful as it is, just can’t provide adequate cooling for todays hardware.
Pay a subscription for an OS? /facepalm
Something truly ironic about this news coming out right after completing initial migration of my primary workstation to Linux… just need to get a few more dev tools configured.
Promise of Windows was that it was easy to set up and use. The reality of Windows is that you spend as much time trying to rip their garbage, forced “security” updates off your system to meet requirements as you would just setting up a linux environment.
No true security update would change features to show ads based on tracking data.
Difference is that when that configuration time is done, you still have control over what ends up on your Linux system and the packet captures won’t show a bunch of your info being sent to MS or their shady 3rd party “partners”
Why a subscription – why not a one-off payment?
Looks like Microsoft wants a cut of 0patch revenue. 0patch has a large base of continuing Win7 users, myself included. it would not surprise me if Microsoft wants to cut them off or out of doing the same thing with Win10.
I’m still using Windows 7. Microsoft’s last functional operating system. Everything else has been a colossal failure. Microsoft forgot why people use Windows. Yusuf Mehdi, is even terrible than Panos Panay with all the AI nonsense. Windows 12 will be an even worse failure than Windows 8, 10, and 11. If Microsoft does not return Windows to its pre version 8 state, its market share will continue to decline.
The following is me only saying what Microsoft already knows, and does not want to admit.
The only way Microsoft is going to be able to get the world off of Windows 10, is another GWX-style malware campaign.
I know this, because that’s the only way they were able to get people off Windows 7 and on to Windows 10 in the first place. I.e. it asks you daily if you are ready to install, and then after you have said “no thanks” 200 times, it just installs anyway and tells you that it’s for your own good and you’ll like it.
I don’t share Microsoft’s vision for the future of the PC though, so I moved to Linux a long time ago. The average users are ambivalent at best when it comes to new versions of Windows, and Microsoft has long ago burned any good will that it had with techies like me. So if I wind up in a position where I have to help someone upgrade, it most assuredly will not be to a new Windows device.
@Mike–“techies” — a hint of arrogance in the usage. Any “techie” who has been with Windows for years knows how simple it is to safely work with Windows 11 and modify any bothersome issues.
I’m no “techie,” but any user who would pop onto my main Windows 11 computer wouldn’t know whether it was Windows 10 or Windows 11 and would find programs and settings and daily usage quite comfortable and speedy and reliable.
Hats off to the “techies”!
If Linux were truly a solution, the masses would have migrated years ago. I’ve yet to see a government office, public library, or stable business–say banking–using Linux.
I’ll keep Linux as a “hobbyhorse.”