League of Legends' new champion has been leaked

Emre Çitak
Aug 28, 2023

League of Legends is no stranger to surprises and teasers. However, the recent revelation about the upcoming champion, League of Legends' Briar, has left the community torn between excitement and disappointment.

Riot Games, known for their captivating teasers, had set the stage for what was anticipated to be the ''best teaser ever''. But, unfortunately, the excitement was tainted by leaks that have struck at the core of the fanbase.

Riot's initial teaser for Briar had League of Legends enthusiasts on the edge of their seats. The mystery surrounding the champion's abilities, origins, and role within the game's universe was poised to drive discussions for weeks.

lol forbidden teaser league of legends briar leak
League of Legends' Briar's information was leaked online

What's up with LoL's Forbidden tab?

The anticipation took a hit when the internet was flooded with leaks, exposing crucial details about Briar ahead of Riot's planned reveal. With the addition of LoL's Forbidden tab, it was clear that Riot Games was preparing for League of Legends' Briar. But this game of excitement didn't last long.

lol forbidden teaser league of legends briar leak
LoL's Forbidden tab was set to be a sleeping place for the champion's reveal

Briar's splash art was leaked by multiple sources, and revealing some ability details about Riot Games' upcoming champion.

These leaks left fans feeling not only ''forbidden'' from enjoying the surprise but also ''heartbroken'' at the missed opportunity for genuine excitement.

Read also: League of Legends arena tier list unveiled.

The leak not only took away the joy of discovery but also impacted Riot's efforts to craft a unique and immersive experience for the community. The leaked splash art, gameplay details, and abilities stole the thunder from Riot's meticulously planned reveal.


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