How to finish the Fortnite Placeholder quest

Onur Demirkol
Aug 8, 2023

If you're feeling puzzled by the Fortnite Placeholder quest, you're not alone. Many players worldwide are scratching their heads over this mysterious challenge, desperately seeking answers from Doctor Slone. Don't worry, the solution is simpler than you might think. Here is how to complete the Fortnite Placeholder quest.

In Fortnite, you collaborate with friends or other people from all around the world to complete exciting quests, construct buildings and engage in epic fights. The goal is to outlast your opponents, to be the only person remaining, and to win. There are some quests that you can finish on your way to earn rewards, and the Fortnite Placeholder quest is also one of them.

Fortnite Placeholder quest: Locating the Quest and Requirements

First things first, open up your quests tab and observe the Snapshot section. There, you'll notice a new task labeled "Placeholder," promising a rewarding 30K XP upon its completion. To conquer this quest, you only need to perform a straightforward action – emote in a capture point. The capture point is that specific area where you take control of a flag, and your efforts are handsomely rewarded.

Fortnite Placeholder quest
Fortnite Placeholder quest

Choosing the Right Spot

To find an ideal capture point for swift quest completion, make your way to Shattered Slabs, placed in the western region of the Fortnite map, just northwest of Frenzy Fields. As you arrive at this location, head straight into the designated circle representing the capture point.

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Now, it's time to unleash your creativity and choose any emote that tickles your fancy – a dab or a funny dance, maybe, really depends on your preference. Execute your chosen emote within the circle's boundaries, and here you go. A pop-up notification will gracefully appear in the top-left corner, confirming your triumphant completion of the quest.

Other quests

If you look at the quest menu, you will see that there are more related quests. However, they are not valid yet, and we need some time for Epic to activate those. After that, we will surely give you all the information you need to finish those quests.


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