Drastically Simplify Email with Shortmail

When it comes to the attitudes with which various people approach the concept of email we find highly fragmented groups, even within the confines of such a relatively small group like techies. Some of those who use and enjoy technology on a daily basis see email as a welcome and acceptable part of that electronic world and as such are more than happy to integrate it into their lives. Others however, completely hate email, with its never ending messages and its general volume in users' mailboxes. While most people accept that email is necessary, not everyone agrees that what comes with email is all that pleasant to deal with.
While it may seem strange, there are tech companies that seem to agree with such people. There have been lowly attempts in the past by a few organizations to come up with new and better ways to deal with the issues that many people recognize as inconsistent with the ease of access and quality of experience that other online activities bring along. Thus far nearly every one has failed, leaving behind fractured shells of companies that could have been, with just slightly better coding or, more often than not, better business organization.
One company, however, is holding on and has successfully managed to bring about a pretty handy way to treat email that eliminate3s many of the problems that people seem to have with the activity. Called Shortmail, the service forces emails to be limited to a brief 500 characters and presents them in a more casual, conversational format than traditional email. Best of all, it is completely free, and anyone can get online and enjoy the better parts of email without the worst without any damage to their wallets.
If you would like to give the service a look, follow this link and register with your Twitter account (if you don't have one, Shortmail can get you sorted out as well). As long as you already have an account with the social networking site registration takes all of about 30 seconds, well shorter than most such services. From there, simply explore the interface and see how it works. You will find that it removes most of the added features many email providers give users – on purpose, of course. Shortmail lets you get rid of the rubbish and cut straight to the chase.
Before you start using the service with your friends and colleagues, take a moment to try out a test dialogue with an already existing email account. Send yourself a message from your new Shortmail account and then reply via traditional email. As long as they keep it under 500 characters anyone can send messages to the address, not just those enrolled in the service. If someone gets too wordy Shortmail will email them back and let them know, requiring that they shorten their message to push it on through.
While probably not the sort of service you would like to use in all applications, Shortmail is a great option to use with anyone that you do not want cluttering your email inbox with messages you could not care less about. If you are tired with the email status quo and are ready for a change, try giving Shortmail a chance.
i’ll stick with hosted exchange :)
I’ll stick with my POP3 email client thank you very much.
Yep. Me too. That and my Opera account. :)