Optimize Pictures With Web Resizer

Web Resizer is a free online tool that enables you to optimize images in a web browser to reduce their size among other things.
One of the many aspects that webmasters need to take care of is to optimize their websites so that users from all over the world can access it without unnecessary delays.
Pictures are one key area where optimization may improve the loading time of the site, as images that are not optimized may be multiple times larger than optimized images.
Reducing the size of images can reduce the load time of web sites significantly, and without degrading the picture quality.
Web Resizer
One of the online services that you can use for that is Web Resizer. The service supports images up to a size of ten Megabytes that can be loaded directly on the service's homepage.
Web Resizer processes the uploaded images automatically, and displays an optimized version of it as a suggestion to you. This new picture is displayed as a thumbnail image next to the original one so that both can be compared directly.
The original and optimized file size, a percentage value detailing how much smaller the optimized image is, and the width and height of both images are listed as well there.
Controls are provided to run a manual optimization instead. This can be useful if you want to squeeze out even more, or need to adjust parameters manually to improve the quality of the resulting image.
Plenty of options are provided by Web Resizer: you may change the size, crop the image, rotate it, sharpen it, or change the target image quality.
Also, you may make changes to tint, exposure, contrast and color saturation, and add a border to the image as well.
Once you have made the changes, Web Resizer processes the image again and displays the new values and a new preview thumbnail on the page.
One interesting option is the ability to compare even more image variants by enabling the "compare image sizes" checkbox. This displays the image in various picture quality settings on the screen.
Closing Words
The original Web Resizer supported one image at a time. While that is handy for a quick processing, it is not suitable if multiple images need to be processed.
The team created a bulk resizer for that purpose that users can access as well. It limits the processing options somewhat but can be used to process multiple images at once.
The results are fine for most purposes but the most professional environments.