Transfer Windows Installation DVDs To Flash Drives

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 27, 2009
Software, Windows, Windows software

microsoft windows It is not easy as it sounds to transfer a Windows installation DVD to a flash drive. The whole process can be divided into two manual steps. Files from the Windows installation DVD have to be transferred to the USB drive which has to be made bootable as well. Beginners might prefer an easier solution to the manual approach.

WinToFlash has been designed to make the process as straightforward as possible. The portable software program comes with a wizard that helps users transfer files from a Windows installation DVD to an USB flash drive. The software supports the transfer of various Windows installation DVDs, namely transferring Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and 2008 or Windows 7 installations to an USB flash drive.

The program can also transfer Windows PE installations to USB flash drive. All it basically takes to transfer the files is to specify the path of the Windows installation DVD and the path of the USB flash drive. The program will handle the rest. It will transfer the installation DVD to the USB flash drive and make the flash drive bootable so that users can boot from it and install the Windows operating system from USB flash drive.

WinToFlash is available from the developer's homepage. The program is compatible with most versions of the Microsoft operating system.


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  1. Triết Học Nguyễn said on August 28, 2009 at 4:13 am

    Excellent. It reduce a lot of time. Thanks.

  2. Adi Gunawan said on August 28, 2009 at 2:49 am

    Nice tool, I might use it for my Netbook

  3. GBot said on August 27, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    Cool idea, but it got me thinking, it shouldn’t be to hard to back up multiple images of bootable discs to a bootable flash drive, then have a simple menu pop up asking me which image I want to boot from…

    Basically what I’m describing is like a wizard for making a custom “ultimate boot cd” in flash drive form.

    Anyone know of something like this?

  4. xdmv said on August 27, 2009 at 1:41 pm


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