Wii Sports Fitness Training

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 16, 2007
Updated • May 26, 2013

We all made our jokes when Nintendo's new system Wii emerged about how the fat video gaming kids would lose weight while playing video games. Well, someone decided to give it a tryto see if a daily Wii workout would make him fitter than before. He called it the Wii Sports Experiment and had some astonishing results.

He decided to add a daily 30 minutes session of Wii Sports to his normal activities and keep track of several elements such as bmi, body fat and weight. He would not change his other habits like eating. The results that he posted on his website are incredible and could help Nintendo enter the fitness market as well.

He reduced his weight from 182 to 171 in six weeks losing a considerable amount in the belly area. The BMI (Body Mass Index) fell by 1.2 points from 25.2 to 24 which is a change from overweight to normal. His body fat went down by 1.8% from 19% to 17.2%.

Those are indeed great results and the best thing I personally think is that you can do all of this at home and have fun doing it all the time. Please note that you do have to emulate the real game if you want to see this results. It is not enough to sit on the coach and wave the wiimote a little bit.

I'm thinking of buying one for my mother to help her in her workout. We are most likely seeing a release of a Wii Fitness game sooner. Wanna bet?

There are a couple of advantages - and disadvantages of using a Wii for fitness. On the positive side of things, you can use it at home and even if you are not capable of exercising anymore outside, for instance due to a disablement, you may still be able to use the Wii for that.

Other advantages include the ability to exercise at home which some people may prefer over exercising outside as they can exercise on their own at home and do not have to cope with the looks of others.

The disadvantages are that this is not a professional solution to lose weight and that you need to push yourself to exercise for 30 minutes every day.

Update:Wii Fit and other fitness related games have been released in the meantime.


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  1. gnome said on January 16, 2007 at 8:46 pm

    And I am thinking of excercising three hours/day, thus turning into a top athlete…

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