Ip Scanner

Angry Ip Scanner is a small open source application that lets you scan IP addresses and ports, with options to specify the range of the scan by yourself. After pinging the target IP it is able to resolve other data like hostname, MAC address and open ports.
It also has additional features, like NetBIOS information (computer name, workgroup name, and currently logged in Windows user), favorite IP address ranges, customizable openers, etc.
The tool is mainly useful for system administrators who want to take a quick look at their network and see whats going on. Plugins enhance the tool tremendously, for instance there are plugins that detect FTP servers, windows shares and more. Pretty handy tool if you ask me.
Update: Angry IP Scanner has last been updated in 2011 which may be an indication that the developer has put the project on ice, or abandoned it completely. The current beta version of Angry IP Scanner should work fine however, providing users with a reliable program to scan a range of IP addresses.
The program depends on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which needs to be installed on the system to run the IP scanner. Once you run it, you can define the IP range at the top and click on the start button to run the scan. All results of the scan are automatically displayed in the lower half of the interface. Here you see the IP and hostname, open ports, the ping, and whether web software was detected running on the host.
Even though it seems to have been abandoned, it is still one of the easiest to use IP scanners out there. If you prefer a non-Java version, check out the Softperfect Network Scanner instead which supports what Angry IP Scanner does, and then some.
Update: The original site the program was posted on is no longer available. You can still download it from Sourceforge however where it is still hosted.