New Phishing Emails Emerge

The usual phishing email still claims that "action" is required because of something that just happened. This can be a fake eBay purchase, PayPal transfer, a bank account transaction or someone offering […]

Check If Your DNS Is Vulnerable

Humans are not good with numbers. At least not many are. That's why the DNS, the Domain Name System, is in place. It translates the addresses that we enter in the browser […]

Delete Flash Cookies

Flash Cookies, or Local Shared Objects, are stored on the user system by Macromedia Flash applications. They function a lot like cookies and can be used to store session information or save […]

Gigabyte M528 MID

The Gigabyte M528 is a ultra-portable Mobile Internet Device that is scheduled for release later this year. The mobile device is powered by an 800 MHz Intel Atom processor, 512 Megabytes of […]

analyze browsing history

Male or Female? Your Browser's History Might Tell

A website should not be able to read the the history of websites that a visitor to the site has visited previously in the web browser. An ingenious CSS hack and some […]

Amazon Watcher

Amazon Watcher is a handy application to monitor availability and changes of items at the six Amazon stores. Users can feed Amazon Watcher with full urls to Amazon items, their ASIN or […]

Got My SSD, Any Questions Or Suggestions?

Okay the Solid State Drive that I ordered on Sunday arrived today and I thought it would be nice to give everyone the chance to ask questions about it and point to […]

Orca Browser

The Orca Browser is based on the Firefox 3 core but adds lots of unique features and options to it that Firefox does not support. The first thing that you notice after […]

Do you like the idea of

As I’ve said before, I’m not a big twitterer… I would say I average maybe 1 Twit every 2 days, in fact I don’t know why I even still use the service. […]

Reduce Opera Bandwidth Usage

I covered an article earlier this month that described changes that could be made to the Firefox configuration in order to save bandwidth. This is extremely useful if you are connected to […]

firefox favicon addon

Add Favicons To Websites Without One

Favicons are a great way to identify websites visually and it is even possible to display only the Favicon in tabs with the FaviconizeTab add-on for Firefox. (Update: Firefox's pin to tab […]

Do Specific Data Backups With Tame

Tame is a specialized backup solution that can monitor applications and perform backups once those applications close. It would for instance be possible to monitor Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer and make […]

A Host of Tips – Week 1

As I read a large selection of RSS feeds each day I see a whole lot of great little tech tips coming through, and often I want to share them, but that […]

Useful Opera Features

Since here at gHacks we seem to be on a bit of a Firefox and Opera theme I thought I’d share a couple of things I have discovered to be useful when […]

Overview of Online Virus Scanners

Scanning the computer from an online location provides several advantages over the classic local scan. The most prominent one is that the risk of a virus infection of the virus scanner is […]

Synchronize Data with Opera Link

Opera Link provides a similar option to synchronize data from Opera than Mozilla Weave does for Firefox. I don't want to start a discussion on who was first with that idea because […]

Tracking Gmail Account Usage

Google Mail introduced a new feature recently that can be helpful in finding out if someone else has or had access to your Gmail account. The function is a bit hidden in […]


Image searching that works by TinEye

What Google has done for text search, TinEye is trying to achieve with image search. Instead of typing in keywords to find images, you can upload an image, or copy a link […]

Safari on Windows is not really memory efficient

That's at least what Sam Allen discovered who used a software that he programmed to record memory usage of processes in Windows. He tested Safari 3.1 along with Firefox 3, Opera 9.5, […]

Make Gmail The Default Email Client on Windows

I already covered how one can make Gmail the default Firefox 3 mail client which has the effect that mailto links are opened on the Gmail website from that moment on. This […]

google calendar slim style

Redesigned GCal to join Gmail

The popular ‘Better Gmail 2’ Firefox extension adds a whole lot of great extra functionality to Gmail through various Greasemonkey scripts. What I loved the most was the inclusion of the fantastic […]

Gernova Keylock

Gernova Keylock is a specialized software to detect keyloggers on a system. Keyloggers are used to log user input which includes urls that the user enters as well as usernames, passwords and […]

Are you running the latest browser version?

In a recently released research paper Stefan Frei, Thomas Dübendorfer, Gunter Ollmann and Martin May analyzed Google Search Engine logs between January 2007 and June 2008 to understand web browser security. The […]

google calendar simplified

Redesign your Google Calendar with a custom skin

If you're a fan of skinning your apps you probably already know all about user styles for web pages. There's a great plugin for Firefox that enables you to change the look […]

iSysCleaner Pro removes temporary data

Every new application that enters the "temporary data cleaner" category has to stand its ground against established programs like CCleaner which seems to be the application of choice for most cleaning enthusiasts […]

Display a list of Web Searches done on a computer

My Last Search is a Nirsoft application that scans the computer for information about searches that have been done in the two popular browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is done by […]

Haute Secure

The Internet can be a dangerous place. Especially for those users who do not care but simply use the computer. A click on the wrong website and the computer can be infected […]

You better stop using Internet Explorer for now

A security vulnerability came to light recently that affects Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7 and even Internet Explorer 8 that can be exploited to record keystrokes users even when that user […]

Why you should restrict Cookie Access

Cookies, or more precisely HTTP cookies, are small text files that are stored on a users computer when websites are visited that make use of them. They can store session information, shopping […]

Stumbleupon Toolbar with Export Function

The new Stumbleupon toolbar is now compatible with Firefox 3 and the developers have added an interesting function to the toolbar. Are you stumbling a lot of sites and use the Stumbleupon […]

Open It Online

Open It Online is a Firefox extensions that is compatible with Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 and offering the user a way to open and edit documents directly online. The benefit of […]

close all windows

How to close multiple windows in the taskbar at once

New Explorer folders are always opened in a new window on my system because I think it's a comfortable way to work with folders and windows. I never liked the default way […]

Access Bookmarks from the System Tray

It can come quite handy sometimes to access the bookmarks as fast as possible to be able to visit a website without delay. A fast and convenient way is to add an […]

Destroy Flickr for Adobe Air

Do you want to take a bomb and destroy the whole of Flickr? Well, no luck then, but if you want a cool way to navigate through your pics and even download […]

Flock 2 Beta

Well this month has been all about browsers as both Firefox and Opera release new versions and people compare each of the 4 main competitors Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Flock […]

Clean After Me

Clean After Me is a new software by the well respected NirSoft developers. The application is as usual portable and can be executed right from its location. The main purpose of the […]

An easy way to learn web design

I spent a little time today on a WordPress theme for one of my clients. He asked me to copy his webpage design and turn it into a WordPress blog. This took […]

Browser choices…

Martin’s post about upcoming browser releases was something I had also been thinking about.

I can’t see Internet Explorer gaining any significant market share any time soon, but I can see, as Martin said, a solid, secure release stabilising the downward trend somewhat.

I have done my own extensive research on the topic of mainstream consumer browser adoption (also known as having a conversation with my girlfriend) and discovered that browser she preferred most of all was Opera.

Move the Opera Address Bar to the Top

The default way of displaying the toolbars in Opera might be confusing to users who are used to working with Firefox or Internet Explorer. The bookmarks toolbar and tab bar are located […]

Google Gears for Flock

Update: Both Google Gears and Flock have been discontinued in the meantime. Flock may not be completely dead as the team announced that it is "working on something awesome". It has not […]