Display a list of Web Searches done on a computer

My Last Search is a Nirsoft application that scans the computer for information about searches that have been done in the two popular browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is done by scanning Internet caches and history files of the two browsers for specific search engine queries and displaying those queries in tables.
The software worked fine during my tests in combination with Internet Explorer but failed to deliver data from Firefox. I only had to refresh the application to display Internet Explorer searches but the same method did not work with Firefox searches. The homepage does mention that Firefox 3 is supported and I'm a bit puzzled why it would not work.
Searches are displayed with various information in the table like search string, search engine, time of search and browser that has been used to search.
I can only think of two uses for this application. It could be nice for research purposes because the list of search terms and other data can be exported in various formats. The other is to spy on another user and find out what he searched for on the Internet. Can you think of another reason? Let me know.
Update: I have tested the program recently on my system (in 2012) and found it to be working fine with Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Search results are mixed in the interface and if you do not like that you can click on the web browser table header to sort it by browser.
The program lists the search engine the searches were conducted on which may reveal additional information about the type of search conducted at that point in time.You can create reports and export the data into various formats including csv and xml.
Dark Kosmos. Since it is compatible to Firefox 3 I assume that it should work with the browser.
I think it doesn’t work because history is stored else where in the folder (profile), maybe the sqllite database? This tool only seems to be useful to those stalkers..
Or you can just use Firefox’s history browser and do a keyword search for “search.”