Clean After Me

Clean After Me is a new software by the well respected NirSoft developers. The application is as usual portable and can be executed right from its location. The main purpose of the software is to clean the system after it was used in order to protect the user's privacy which is also the main difference to disk cleaners like Crap Cleaner or Disk Cleaner which remove temporary files as well and have to be installed on the system.
The program's main interface provides easy access to several check-boxes divided into categories like Windows Explorer, Firefox, Windows General and Windows Advanced. It is possible to check each category which would have the effect that every item under that category would be cleaned or to check individual items instead.
The software concentrates on traces that a user leaves on a system and provides cleanup routines to delete those traces in the Registry, in logs and temporary files on the host system.
After selecting the items that should be removed from the system the user can either clean the items directly by clicking on the button Clean Selected Items or create a report of the items that will be deleted first. This report appears in the status pane of the software.
Clean After Me is compatible to Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista.
Sounds good, but also note that Crap Cleaner (now renamed CCleaner) is now fully portable in v2x, and all cleaning options can be switched on’off (and preferences are saved). This means Temporary Files needn’t be removed if you don’t want that.
It looks like a very useful software.