Got My SSD, Any Questions Or Suggestions?
Okay the Solid State Drive that I ordered on Sunday arrived today and I thought it would be nice to give everyone the chance to ask questions about it and point to tests that they would like me to run to see how the SSD performs in a normal computer environment in comparison to those lab tests that you see the results of all the time.
Some information about the drive. I ordered an OCZ 64 Gigabyte Core Series Sata II 2.5" Solid State Drive which can be connected with the normal SATA cables. It's pretty tiny, completely silent and I had to think a bit before I found a placement in my computer for it. Since I'm not moving my computer I put it on top of the 3,5" bay.
It was immediately recognized by the Bios if my computer and by Windows without having to install drivers or do a Bios update. Keep in mind that I have a relatively new Bios from January 2008 though.
The only thing that I did so far was to install Windows XP on the drive and do all the driver and system updates. I have not installed any applications except for Firefox and Thunderbird yet.
Please point me to any benchmarking tests or other tests that you would like to have performed so that we can evaluate how fast the drive actually is. I'm thinking of benchmarking system start and startup of several applications that I will install on both hard drives. (I have another Windows XP system on my old hard drive).
So, if you got anything let me know and I will perform the test if I can grab the right software to do it.
They probably never reach that figure as I tend to build a new computer every two years, sometimes earlier.
I’d like report on its’ condition after 30000 hours of uptime… But this is obviously not urgent. :)
Test it with crystal disk mark and post the results it have given to you
Hmm sexy drive
game loading maybe? *BF2
If you want to benchmark you should have second same system on HDD. Would be nice if you for example check by opening, lets say, 20MB psd file with photoshop, or similar graphics program. Program should be not working before u click this file, so it would be program start+loading file time.