Notepad++ 7.8 update released after server incident

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 11, 2019
Updated • Oct 11, 2019

Notepad++ 7.8 is now available; the new version of the text and code editor for Windows is the first new version of the application after a server incident in July that took the project website offline for a while.

The site and downloads were hosted by OVH but billing issues resulted in the site and downloads being taken offline by the hosting company. The site was migrated to a new server hosting company and downloads were restored.  In September 2019, a redesigned website was launched that replaced the old website.

Microsoft improved the built-in text editor Notepad in recent Windows 10 versions, for example by adding extended line ending support to the application. The text editor is still very limited in comparison to third-party programs and only usable for small text files and edits.

Notepad++ 7.8

Notepad++ 7.8 is the first official release since June 2019. The new version is not available via the program's built-in update functionality; the developer plans to unlock the update in the coming days if no major issues are found. The release could have more bugs and regressions due to the number of changes.

There are a lot of change in this release, so there would be more bugs or regressions in this release.

Most changes in Notepad++ 7.8 address issues in the application such as crashes when switching directories too quickly or when "sorting out of range columns.

As far as new features are concerned, there are some. The save dialog has new handy "no to all" or "yes to all" options to improve the handling of multiple document saves, and the new command line parameter -openFoldersAsWorkspace opens folders in the "folder as workspace" panel.

Plugins may load private DLLs that are in the plugin folder in the new version, the graphical user interface of the find dialog has been improved, and the Character Panel has two new columns for HMTL code.

Last but not least, support for several languages, e.g. LISP and COBOL has been improved. You can check out the entire release notes on the official project website.

Closing Words

Notepad++ is a powerful text and code editor for Windows that is used by many as a Notepad replacement.  The editor has several handy features, e.g. an option to find text in all files under a folder structure or options to work with text snippets.

Now You: Which text editor do you use and why?

Notepad++ 7.8 update released after server incident
Article Name
Notepad++ 7.8 update released after server incident
Notepad++ 7.8 is now available; the new version of the text and code editor for Windows is the first new version of the application after a server incident in July that took the project website offline for a while.
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  1. larzeb said on October 14, 2019 at 12:31 pm

    No vi?

  2. Gyffes said on October 13, 2019 at 3:31 am

    No love for Atom?

  3. John Fenderson said on October 11, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    “Which text editor do you use and why?”

    In Windows, I use regular old Notepad for quick tasks and note-taking, and I use UltraEdit for more complicated things. I’ve tried Notepad++ before, but it’s not really my cup of tea. It occupies a strange middle ground: for simple needs, Notepad++ brings too much to the party, for complex needs, Notepad++ doesn’t bring enough.

    In Linux when I’m working on the desktop, I use KWrite. When I’m working on the command line, I use vi.

    1. Anonymous said on October 12, 2019 at 4:59 am

      I’m curious what complex needs that you didn’t get from it? The old Notepad is so bad for note taking, it only provides one undo instance, I’m baffled how people can use it for note taking.

      1. John Fenderson said on October 15, 2019 at 7:33 pm

        I can’t name examples because I haven’t used Notepad++ for years now. I stopped using it because, as I said, it is not a full-featured editor, and if I don’t need a full-featured editor, then Notepad is much preferable to me.

        For me, Notepad is a really good Windows solution for note-taking. It’s simple, small, and doesn’t do anything more than I need for that sort of task.

        The lack of multiple undo levels doesn’t bother me. I don’t think I have ever used “undo” in Notepad in the first place.

  4. Pete said on October 11, 2019 at 8:07 pm

    Notepad++’s author said on Twitter he didn’t want you using his software if you were not cool with Europe being flooded with useless violent refugees. Unfortunately I am a programmer building a competing product. I will cram those words up his ass.

  5. Tripper said on October 11, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    Martin did the Notepad++ change their website look totally different fro the last time I went there?

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 11, 2019 at 6:12 pm

      Yes it seems to have been redesigned recently.

  6. chesscanoe said on October 11, 2019 at 4:09 pm

    Notepad++ v7.8 (64-bit)
    Build time : Oct 7 2019 – 00:55:55
    Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
    Admin mode : OFF
    Local Conf mode : OFF
    OS Name : Windows 10 Home (64-bit)
    OS Version : 1903
    OS Build : 18362.418
    Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll
    If I use WIN-S or Everything to find existing file 3cubed.txt, and then click to open it, I get Notepad++ message titled “Amount of files too large” and text saying 15673 files are about to be opened. Are you sure to open them?” If I click No, the file opens normally in Notepad++.

  7. chesscanoe said on October 11, 2019 at 1:48 pm

    I have been using Notepad++ for years and manually upgraded to version 7.8 today. No issues for me so far but I assume function I do not use probably has some bugs. If I waited for perfect software I would still be running DOS 2.1 . :-)

    1. John Deaux said on October 12, 2019 at 6:53 am

      I have used N++ in the past but I stopped when there came a point I couldn’t get it to open additional text files in the same window, in separate tabs. I often like to have related files open in one window where I can see them at a glance. Does the program now have a way to accomplish this? I’d like to give it another try if so.

  8. Martin P. said on October 11, 2019 at 12:49 pm

    Small error in text:

    ´ switching directories to quickly ´

    Should be:

    ´ switching directories too quickly ´

  9. Robert Wellock said on October 11, 2019 at 11:52 am

    The article has written; “HMTL code”. I believe you actually meant to write: ‘HTML’ for the Hypertext Markup Language, abbreviation. I’ll occasionally use Notepad++ when editing markup or style sheet languages, etc.

  10. Anonymous said on October 11, 2019 at 11:35 am

    Good editor, terrible GUI. If the author doesn’t want to deal with more radical facelifting, I really don’t understand why he persistently ignores the pleas to sort out a few obvious things, like windows ’95 era tabs or messed-up dialogs. Personally, after using Notepad++ for over a decade, I switched to Sublime Text. I just couldn’t watch all that garbage on the screen anymore.

  11. Zahra Ayat said on October 11, 2019 at 11:27 am

    hi martin.
    i use notepad++ for reading and writing.
    however, notepad++ download links did not work for me in these months.
    whats the address for new website?
    today, i downloaded version 7.8 and it worked perfectly for me from
    is address of the new and old website the same?
    i believe the main new feature that you forgot to mention is updating scintilla that made me to update!

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 11, 2019 at 12:32 pm

      Yes this seems to be the right URL:

  12. Paul(us) said on October 11, 2019 at 11:10 am

    Notepad ++ (And I am loving it.).
    A suspicious mind could start to think that the attack on the Notepad ++ server around the same time that the ( Just for the release of the) slightly (marginally) improved (And I still don’t advice it) Microsoft notepad is lanced, are matters that have to do with each other.

  13. Gabriel said on October 11, 2019 at 9:21 am

    Hey Martin, you know what broke with this release? At least for me. It’s the trick to replace MS notepad with Notepad++. It works but it makes Notepad++ open a ton of system files on launch.
    I haven’t been able to try this on another computer or VM but on my Windows 10 x64 it’s doing this.

    Can someone let me know if this is also happening to them?
    I’m using the command found at

    1. leland said on October 12, 2019 at 4:19 am

      Have you tried Notepad Replacer from Binary Fortress? It can setup any text editor as a notepad replacement. No extra work involved. You can find it at

      1. Gabriel said on October 12, 2019 at 10:39 pm

        Thank you leland!
        I’ve been using DisplayFusion for ages and never knew these guys had this.
        Works like a charm.

    2. Saikat Kundu said on October 11, 2019 at 2:33 pm

      Yes, I can confirm this is happening. Tried creating a new text document & opening it (I also use the reg trick). Notepad++ could not find the file specified & then opened every other file in that directory.

    3. wakeman said on October 11, 2019 at 12:08 pm


      Notepad++ add to context menu: edit with notepad++ on right click, that’s more than enough for me since i use it as html editor.
      Run Notepad++ as administrator
      Go to Settings > Preferences > File Association
      Select Notepad “.txt” in Supported extensions panel
      Click the “-> ” to move it to Registered extensions panel
      Close and try to reassociate

      1. Gabriel said on October 11, 2019 at 6:04 pm

        Thank you Wakeman!
        That works perfectly.

        I registered the .txt extension and now if I try to open a .txt file in any file explorer it fires up Notepad++ :)

      2. Zahra Ayat said on October 11, 2019 at 3:10 pm

        how can i use notepad++ as html editor?
        when i open my html files to edit, notepad++ shows all css and html codes used in my document!
        but i wish to edit most of times just content of my files, not there code.
        in the same way that we can use microsoft office word or libreoffice writer.
        but i really cant use office products and i wish to use notepad++ as a substitution for office writer or word to edit the content of my html files.

  14. Aegis said on October 11, 2019 at 8:28 am

    I use Notepad++ since several years. I’m not a programmer, but this tool makes reading large txt files easier than using basic notepad. Also editing script files is very comfortable with Notepad++.

    1. zer0 said on October 11, 2019 at 3:05 pm

      Same. But when I feel like it, I sometimes use VSCode for editing scripts or config files. Mostly if there’s multiple files or files are too large.
      I’d probably use VSCode as my main text editor instead of NP++ but unfortunately it doesn’t start up instantly like NP++.

      1. Anonee said on October 11, 2019 at 11:14 pm

        I’ve already switched to VSCode as my main editor lol.
        It also helps that you can use the extension store to further change the theme or add even more functionality!

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