iPhone Update: Apple Adds Clarity and 3 New iPhone Apps

Apple has taken another small step today towards making the app approval process more clear, making a lot of iPhone devs nod and say “well, something is better than nothing.â€
Plus we have still more iPhone apps to talk about. Get over to the other side and get started.
Apple Adds App Approval Status Tracker
Apple now allows app developers the peace of mind of at least knowing what stage of the approval process their app is in. A new feature added by Apple gives the status of apps as they go through the approval process.
You and I might not think much of it, but this translates to a bit more clarity for the developers. They have always complained about how tough it is to communicate to the iPhone app reviewers. So instead of leaving them in the dark, this tracking feature tells them how tantalizingly close they are to approval. Hopefully, Apple is feeling the pressure to streamline and organize the process now that the app count has reached 100,000. As more developers race to get a piece of the action, Apple will be forced to make the process easier on them too and that means having to handle fewer complaints and queries and clarifications. [read]
Punch Him In The Face With Your iPhone
We all have that annoying friend who we would love to haul over and roundly beat up. But you obviously cannot do that in real life without falling out with your friend and getting thoroughly beaten up yourself in the process. The answer is a new stress/anger/frustration management iPhone app called FaceFighter.
The app lets you kick, punch and block your opponent, all the while seeing bruises and bandages appear on his face. You can also knock out his teeth. To get started, you have to take a picture or choose one from your camera roll. Then you follow the app’s instructions to line up the face with the cut out, zoom in, zoom out and all that. Then you are ready to knock the living day lights out of that guy, virtually of course.
This is not much of a game although it is not as simplistic as that app that lets you shoot things that your camera is seeing. Still, if you do not want to spend $0.99 for the paid version, you can download Face Fighter Lite, which is free. [read]
Universal Studios Can Has iPhone App Too
Universal Studios Home Entertainment is the latest big name to have released its own iPhone app. This is not a stand-alone app that lets you borrow their titles online, but it will enhance your Blu-ray movie viewing experience.
The latest group of Blu-ray releases from the company – American Pie Presents, 9, Inglorious Basterds, etc. are going to come with two BLU apps. These BLU apps can be used by iPhone and iPod touch users in conjunction with certain Blu-ray players.
The pocket BLU app allows you to remotely interact with your Blu-ray player through a sleek iPhone interface. It features advanced remote control features, a pop-up keyboard and more. Social BLU allows you interact with Facebook and Twitter if your Blu-ray player is connected to the Internet.
Premiere League On iPhone Via Sky TV
You can now watch the Premier League and more on your iPhone through the newly launched Sky TV app for the iPhone. For £6 per month, users will be able to access live TV channels that are part of the Sky Sports bundle including Sky News, Sky Sports channels, and ESPN channels.
The app currently works only on WiFi and not 3G, and that is because O2 forbids its customers from using any such app in its T&C. That’s because the carrier has their similar services to protect. Existing Sky subscribers will have to pay separately for this service, and new customers will have to apply for a Sky customer ID. [read]

h! How are you
Should make the process simple but Apple will still have the final say