Home Budget Software Family Budget Planner

Martin Brinkmann
May 2, 2009
Updated • Mar 13, 2018
Software, Windows software

Family Budget Planner is a free software program for devices running Windows that assists you in keeping track of your budget. While designed with families in mind, it can be used by individuals as well.

Keeping track of expenses is important for every household as it provides an overview of how money is spend. You can see easily if you spend more than you earn, and also analyze the list of expenses to find expenses that you might cut completely or reduce.

Home budget software is but one possibility on how to keep track of the budget and expenses. Software has several advantages over paper-based budgeting.

The main benefits are that programs do all the calculations for the user which reduces the margin for errors. Computer programs may display statistics and graphs as well to see changes over time. Programs are also easier to maintain usually as repeating tasks can often be automated.

Family Budget Planner

home budgeting software

Family Budget Planner is a free home budget software for the Windows operating system. It requires the Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 SP1 and the Microsoft SQL Compact 3.5 SP1 Runtime.

Note: The developer website is no longer available and the program does not work anymore on newer versions of Windows. I suggest you use the Excel template Family Budget Planner instead which offers similar functionality. End

Family Budget Planner has been designed with ease of use in mind. Users can add companies and expenses to the software program with just a click. Companies do not necessarily have to be company names, it is also possible to use categories like "home", "insurance" or "food" instead to add expenses to the application.

It is possible to assign multiple expenses to each company, for instance the weekly grocery shopping trip. Each expense is associated with a specific amount of money, a name, start day and interval.

Expenses can be sorted by various means including highest, lowest, company or occurrence. The home budgeting software calculates and display several reports that show weekly estimates, yearly figures and a report budget for the active month.

Closing Words

Family Budget Planner is a basic software to keep track of budgets. It does not come with advanced features like bank account integration, income reports or means to import and export figures from and to other applications and formats.

It is attractive for users who want to keep a simple overview of their expenses without having to go into to much detail.

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Family Budget Planner
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  1. Paulus said on May 2, 2009 at 5:17 pm

    Nice that .pdf handbook/user guide. Indeed ferry handy to use. Thanks for the tip Martin.

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