Looking for someone from the United States

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 3, 2008
Updated • Mar 30, 2012

I like shoes made by Etnies who happen to have a online store where you can create your own shoe. Unfortunately though they only ship to the United States which is why I'm looking for someone who would be so kind to order a pair of custom made shoes for me and send them to my location in Germany afterwards.

I would pay for all expenses of course and add a $20 bonus for the work and time that you are putting into it. I'm also not that sure which shoe looks the best. I did create some and would like to hear your opinion about the shoes, which one shall I take.

You can also play around with the creation if you like, the link is right here and leads to the page where you can create your own custom pair of Etnies shoes.

I would pay the amount for ordering the shoe and shipping it to my location by Paypal or Google Checkout whichever is preferred.

etnies custom 1
etnies custom 1
etnies custom 2
etnies custom 2
etnies custom 3 etnies custom 3

Update: It appears as if the option to create custom Etnies shoes has been removed from the store. When you try to open the custom shoe page, you see a not found error on the page.

The Etnies page seems to have been redesigned recently, and it is not clear right now if the custom shoes page will be added at a later point in time.


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  1. tash said on January 6, 2008 at 2:39 am

    And of course, I’d be glad to help out too. I like the last ones you posted, personally, though

  2. BagMan said on January 3, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    I read & enjoy the blog daily so helping you out would be the least I could do

  3. Samer said on January 3, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    Martin.. I can do it for you… email me.

  4. Jesse said on January 3, 2008 at 9:41 pm

    Ooh, i want a pair! Do you skate at all Martin?

  5. WindowsObserver said on January 3, 2008 at 5:32 pm

    Hey contact me offline – I will help out. Lets work out the details via email.

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