Hooks for Android notifies you about anything

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 15, 2015
Updated • Jul 15, 2015
Apps, Google Android

Hooks is a free application for Android devices that you configure to receive custom alerts and notifications for things you are interested in.

The application offers more than 100 different channels that include sports, music, TV, movie, gaming, weather, event, news or tech information.

Setup is easy and straightforward. A tap on the add alert button in the main interface on first run displays the notification creation dialog.

There you can browse all available channels either directly, by search, or by using popular or suggested filters.

Once you have selected a channel, for instance videogame by score, you are taken to the configuration page. There you make selections to customize alerts, for instance platform and score, city and weather conditions, or genre and keyword for new movies on Netflix.

Each alert comes with two notification settings that are both enabled by default. The first activates push notifications, the second audio alerts.

Once you have set up an alert you are taken to a page with suggested alerts immediately. If you have set up a TV show alert for instance, then you will receive other TV show suggestions on that page which you can add to Hooks with just a tap on the add button.

One focus of the app is entertainment but there are other interesting channels available that you may find interesting. This includes Amber alerts, a stock watcher, currency exchange alerts, Horoscopes, online courses or new top articles on popular sites such as Reddit or Hacker News.

There is even an option to add RSS feeds to the app to keep track of sites such as ours (https://www.ghacks.net/feed/) to it to receive information about new articles posted on the site.

Once you have set up your alerts you start to receive them as things happen based on how you configured each individual alert. For instance, you may receive alerts 24 hours before your favorite TV show airs, immediately after a site publishes a new article, or when weather conditions change.

Closing Words

Hooks' greatest strength is the sheer number of channels that it makes available. While you may like its strong focus on entertainment news and notifications, it has a lot more to offer making it an interesting application for all Android device owners.

Alerts are set up easily in the app and there is little that can go wrong during the process. If that happens, you may edit or delete alerts at any time with just a couple of taps in the interface.

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  1. Karl Gephart said on July 15, 2015 at 11:27 pm

    Tried it for a week, then uninstalled it. Either it needs more work or I need more interests (probably the latter! LOL!)

  2. Joel said on July 15, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    Kind of a more-entertainment-focused IFTTT app…
    I’ve put it on my Wishlist last week, but didn’t “pull the trigger” just yet…
    Does it have a widget?
    Does it support other languages or less American oriented content?
    Thanks :)

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on July 15, 2015 at 7:09 pm

      I don’t know about the widget part, but it features non-US content like football as well.

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