Microsoft considering adding ChatGPT to its Bing Search engine

Martin Brinkmann
Jan 4, 2023

Microsoft is considering integrating ChatGPT into its Microsoft Bing search engine in an effort to boost its attractiveness. The plan, first revealed by The Informer, appears to be in early stages at the moment.

The news article, which is unfortunately behind a paywall, cites a person familiar with the plan as its source.

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that is created specifically for dialogs. Patrick explained how ChatGPT works here on this site, and you may want to check out the informational article to better understand what it does and does not do.

It is also of interest that extensions are already available that add ChatGPT to search engines. These display content produced by ChatGPT in the search results, but do not alter the classic results returned by the search engine.

Microsoft seems to consider integrating ChatGPT more deeply into Bing. The conversational nature of ChatGPT could help the company better understand user requests, and users of Bing might favor conversational answers over traditional search results.

The report suggests that Microsoft is still evaluating the possibility, as it is considering factors such as the accuracy of results and technical factors. Microsoft could release an initial test version to a small group of Bing users later this year.

OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT, has received a $1 billion investment from Microsoft. ChatGPT was released in November 2022 to the public. Anyone may use ChatGPT at the moment, but usage requires verification of an email address and mobile phone number.

ChatGPT works very well for certain types of query, but not necessarily for all. There is also always the question of accuracy.

A likely scenario is the integration for certain types of user queries only and exclude it from returning results for requests considering health or investment topics.

The creators of ChatGPT highlight that it may "occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content", and "may occasionally generate incorrect information".

Added with care, it could improve the search quality of Bing for certain queries.

ChatGPT produced the following response when asked about its integration into Bing or other search engines:

It's possible that integrating a language model like ChatGPT into a search engine like Bing could potentially be beneficial in certain ways. For example, a language model like ChatGPT could potentially be used to generate more natural-sounding responses to user queries, or to generate relevant summaries of search results. However, it's also important to consider any potential drawbacks or challenges that might arise from such an integration. For example, it could be difficult to ensure that the language model's responses are always accurate and appropriate, or to ensure that the model's output is consistent with the search engine's overall tone and style. Ultimately, the decision of whether to integrate a language model like ChatGPT into a search engine would depend on a variety of factors, including the specific goals and needs of the search engine, as well as the potential benefits and challenges of such an integration.

Now You: what is your take on this? Should products such as ChatGPT be included into search engines? Will it be the end for certain types of Internet sites?

Microsoft considering adding ChatGPT to its Bing Search engine
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Microsoft considering adding ChatGPT to its Bing Search engine
Microsoft is considering integrating ChatGPT into its Microsoft Bing search engine in an effort to boost its attractiveness.
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  1. Stalin Hat said on January 6, 2023 at 6:26 am

    Of course they would, if not their whole “Azure is good please acquire our services” wouldn’t work. OpenAI is always saying how the reason for the success (if we can call it like that) is because of the partnership with Microsoft and Azure.

    So I guess people who hate Microsoft, will not accept this?

    Anyway, people make a bunch of propaganda about this, like if it was anything new to ask questions and getting answers, I mean, I wonder how Apple did it all these years with Siri… same crap, different way of doing things. It’s more agendas to promote AI and then make idiots believe ‘it’s the future’.

    More dumb down of humans too, I am sure they will ask ChatGPT and Siri, 2+2… apparently some people complain about Schools not wanting this in their schools because like on translations, when it’s dumb to not do any effort and let machines answer, that’s why people can barely do anything these days without internet. They already made humans worst, more useless than they were before and more dependent in dumb technology. It’s all an Agenda and it is working if 300 articles have published by gHacks alone.

  2. pd said on January 5, 2023 at 11:27 am

    Wondered how soon it would be before authors basically gave up writing their own content.

    This is the beginning of the end of credible information.

    … ChatGPT? FakeNewsEngine more like.

  3. my little buttercup, I love you! said on January 5, 2023 at 2:33 am

    “No, Microsoft does not appear to have killed Ubuntu”


    “Canonical Considering IPO in 2023: What It Means for Ubuntu Users”

    “Canonical Now Hopes To IPO in 2023”

    Taking over Canonical and/or entering into a, “partnership” with them would
    not, IMO, end well. Look what happened with Novell and Microsoft’s
    “Partnership”, Novell is no more!

    Go back further and read about Microsoft’s “Partnership” with Corel during
    the days of Corel Linux [1]. Where is Corel Linux? Gone, a long time ago,
    magically changed into Xandros [2] which…

    “In June 2007, a “broad collaboration agreement” between Xandros and
    Microsoft was announced. The agreement included “patent covenants, similar
    to the agreement that Microsoft reached with Novell.””

    See also:

    – “Microsoft Buys into Corel”[3]
    – “Corel Linux – Not Quite Dead Yet”[4]
    – “Microsoft Bails Out Of Corel”[5]

    Prior to the M$ love fest:

    – “Corel Linux to be Bundled w/20 Million motherboards”[6]
    – “Corel Linux to Access and Run Windows Apps”[7]

    Following the M$ love fest:

    – “Corel to Sell Off Linux Division”[8]


    If it can happen to Novell/Corel it can happen to Canonical, IMO.

    ““With Microsoft we can work together without competing,” says
    Rouffineau in summary. “Which means we can continue to scale while
    maintaining the community that started Ubuntu, as well as the open source
    ethos that comes with it.””


  4. I'm your density, I mean... your destiny. said on January 5, 2023 at 2:05 am

    /opinion + rant

    The only way the world of computing can improve by leaps and bounds is for people to stop buying, supporting, using, developing for, Microsoft.

    Have the power to resist and just say NO to One Microsoft Way.

    Enough is enough!

  5. Tom Hawack said on January 4, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I never use Bing and ChatGPT is a curiosity in progress so I pay attention to articles about or mentioning the latter.

    I landed on the following article when visiting [} :

    “ChatGPT: An Easy Cybercrime Target For Cyberattacks”

    Maybe not much of a scoop given the question nowadays is rather “What is not risky in today’s Web?”, yet the answer may give a hint on “Why ChatGPT is or could be an easy cybercrime target for cyberattacks”

    New stuff new problems.

  6. John G. said on January 4, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    Months ago my cousin and I were joking and he said… what would Google say if I write “what did I search yesterday?”, The answer by Google:

    What I searched for yesterday?
    Open the “Chrome” app, then type “” without quotes into the address bar or search box. Scroll down the page until you get to the “Search your activity” box. From there, conduct a search, apply filters, or scroll down to view your browsing history.

    I wonder what ChatGPT would answer, LOL. :S

  7. Jek Porkins said on January 4, 2023 at 2:52 pm

    It won’t make it any more attractive.

    If they want people to use it, they need to spend billions on advertising. Bing has to be everywhere all the way to people’s toilet paper for something to happen.

    1. Anonymous said on January 5, 2023 at 12:10 am

      They already carry out such practice everywhere. Use Windows 11 yourself? Everyone avoids using Bing because it is so bad.

      1. Jek Porkins said on January 5, 2023 at 8:17 am

        Not everywhere. Are there TV commercials? Billboards? Supermarket promotions and deals? All they do is nag you inside Windows and Edge if you use it.

        They aren’t promoting it at all. w
        WoW had TV commercials, Ozzy Osborne, Chuck Norris, Snoop Dogg. Mr T starred in them.

  8. Toon said on January 4, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    As always with AI applications, the underlying question is – or at least should be: WHOSE intelligence actually is it? Intelligence (very much like emotions) is never neutral or even impartial. The infamous “Google bubble” may turn out to be nothingve, no doubt.

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