Meet Me Halfway finds interesting places near the halfway point of two locations

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 14, 2014
Apps, Google Android

If you ever had troubles agreeing on a place to meet, or finding one, you may find the new Android application Meet Me Halfway useful in this regard.

The free application finds the halfway point between two places you specify, and suggests meeting places in the vicinity.

This can be useful if you want to meet a friend for lunch, a short break, or any other situation where you may need help finding a location to meet at. And yes, you can also use it to find the halfway point between different cities or even countries.

If you are in a long distance relationship, you may use the app to find a meeting place suitable for both of you.

When you start Meet Me Halfway for the first time you are asked to enter two addresses into a form at the bottom of the screen.

You can use geolocation to fill out your current location automatically, but do not have to do so to use the app.

Once you have added the two addresses, usually in the form "city street" you need to tap on the Meet Me Halfway button to look up the halfway point and potential meeting places near it.

The app zooms in on the location, and highlights both places that you have selected on the map. An assortment of additional places are displayed near the halfway point of both locations, highlighting bars, restaurants or game stores among other locations where you may want to meet.

You can zoom in or out of the map the usual way, and also open places of interest on Google Maps to display additional information or use the route planner to find out how you can get there.

The application does not offer any sharing options so that you cannot just send the location to the other person's phone. You need to use the phone, email, SMS or other forms of communication to do so.

That's a usability issue. Another issue is that you cannot filter places, so that only restaurants, hotels or bars are highlighted. The application highlights places that are not as suitable for meetings currently, including pharmacies, commercial buildings or drug stores.

Considering that this is the initial release of the application, it is likely that it is going to be improved by its author to resolve those issues.

All in all it is a great idea that could work well with a friend list feature and chat so that suggestions are displayed to all at the same time.


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  1. Tom said on February 14, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Very useful

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