Easy Image Modifier, Portable Windows Image Processing Software

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 16, 2011
Updated • Dec 7, 2012
Software, Windows software

Windows users have dozens if not hundreds of programs at their disposal to modify, edit or process images on their system. That's great because choice is always great, but has the drawback that it is not that easy to find the best tool for the job. That's why we like to review applications that offer a similar functionality to apps that we have reviewed in the past.

Easy Image Modifier is a free portable image processing software for the Windows operating system. The software offers basic image processing options, including resizing, watermarking, editing of file properties, conversion and renaming.

The program launches in file list mode. Here it is possible to load select images or images inside a folder for processing. Both options trigger the standard Windows file browser where single or multiple files or a folder can be selected for processing.

All images supported by the program are then displayed in the interface. The program lists their names, file paths and extensions. It furthermore displays information about the total number of images and their size. Options to remove some or all images from the listing are available as well.

easy image modifier

All processing options are listed on the left sidebar. You get basic image modifications under Editing for instance, where you can rotate, flip, resize or watermark the selected images.

All processing options need to be enabled by the user first before they become available. Resizing allows you to select a maximum resolution in pixels, to change the dimensions by a given percentage and to keep the aspect ratio of the images.

resize images

The application has a few options that sets it apart from comparable applications. It comes with a filtering option to exclude images from being processed. Size, name, path and extension filters are available.

Another interesting feature is the sorting option, which sorts images before they are processed. That's handy to bring images in a specific order before they are processed (to get the renaming right for instance).

Easy Image Modifier can remove meta information and file date information from all images.

Once you are satisfied with the selection you can optionally configure format conversions and the renaming of images. A click on the process button at the top processes the images based on the selected parameters.

Easy Image Modifier is a convenient program to edit images. The program comes with multiple interface languages. Supported are all recent 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Windows operating system. Downloads are provided at the developer web page.


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