Prevent Eye Strain With Computer Breaks

If you work eight or more hours per day staring at a computer screen, you will notice sooner or later that your eyes will get tired of staring at the computer screen.
Eye Strain occurs when the eyes get tired of intense use. It is usually nothing serious and will go away after rest.
That's where computer breaks come into play. While it would be possible to schedule breaks on your own, some users may prefer an application that tells them when they should take a break so that they don't have to track the time and breaks on their own.
Eyes Relax
Eyes Relax is a portable computer program that can prevent eye strain by managing computer breaks for the user.
Work time, break time and notification time are customizable to suit the user's needs. It is possible to stop the software from running by double-clicking the system tray icon or by extending the work time by five minutes. That's good news in times when you cannot stop your current work.
Notifications can be configured to be either balloon tips, a blank screen or an image that is shown to the user during breaks.
There is even a parent mode which can be used to password protect the application to make sure that your children will take enough breaks from working with the computer.
Closing Words
Eyes Relax is a handy software for Windows that helps users rest their eyes regularly to avoid eye strain and other effects of working concentrated on computer systems.
Update: The program has a lot more to offer. You can configure short and long breaks for instance, with long breaks being automatically suggested after a certain number of short breaks. It is now also possible to set profiles, which can be handy if multiple users are working on the PC who require different kinds of breaks.
Eyes Relax can be configured to block the canceling of breaks, which forces users to take a break as they can't continue to work during the time of the break.
The latest version of the program was released in May 2011 (at the time of writing January 2018).

I have been using RelaxMyEyes as it works on my Mac too.
My eyes also tired too much from long use of computer
I’ve been a fan of WorkRave for a while myself, but I’ll definitely be checking this one out. Nice find!
I have been using Workrave.
Of course KDE has this built in!