AutoLyrix Automatically Displays Lyrics And Album Art

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 9, 2008
Updated • Dec 6, 2012
Music, Music and Video

AutoLyrix is a small cross-plattform software program that can automatically identify the song that is playing in a media player to display the lyrics and album art of it. Compatibility seems to have been of utmost importance to the developers of the software. AutoLyrix is able to detect songs in dozen of music players including Winamp, iTunes, Windows Media Player,, XMPlay, AIMP2, Screamer Radio and provides a way to make it compatible with practically any player that is not supported.

The software will automatically search the Internet for information about the current song and display the album art and lyrics in two independent windows. It is possible to refine the search if the first hit did not display the correct items. It can happen that the lyrics are not the only information displayed as the software uses an auto parser to parse the contents.

This can be fixed easily however by simply removing the unnecessary information. Results can be saved so that only those information will be displayed the next time the song is being played on the computer system.

The program can also be configured to look in mp3 and playlists for album art and lyrics before searching the Internet for those information. There is naturally also a way to save the discovered album art and lyrics to the music to make it permanently available.

Update: The developers have improved the software further. The latest version supports a whole bunch of new features including the ability to translate lyrics using Google Translate or Yahoo's Babelfish, to export lyrics to the iTunes library or iPod, or directly into mp3 files, and an option to edit the lyrics or album art when a song is playing in the iTunes software. The new version furthermore supports plugins which can further extend the software.


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  1. soreciety said on December 16, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    is foobar2k compatible?

  2. Jonathan said on December 10, 2008 at 2:55 am

    Nice program … however Cowon’s Jet Audio has this feature already integrated into the player, and that is the only media program I will use!

  3. marcelo said on December 9, 2008 at 5:35 pm

    wow thanks for this.. will try this at home.. :)

  4. garbanzo said on December 9, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    if you’re on windows, get CD Art Display instead. it’s the coolest.

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