Music Business News

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 31, 2008
Updated • Sep 19, 2017
Music, Music and Video

Update: Cloud Speakers is no longer available. An alternative that you may be interested in is Bandsintown Concerts for Android which informs you about artists that play near a location you specify. In addition to that, it displays similar artists as well if you want to. End

It can be hard at times to follow musicians if you are a fan of them: Where are they right now, when is the next live concert, when does the next album come out, will they come to my town? Most people get their music business news from music magazines, band websites and music portals but it is still difficult to find the information that you are craving for.

Cloud Speakers

Enter Cloud Speakers, a music business news aggregation site that offers more than a slightly unusual layout and choice of color. Cloud Speakers displays music business news on its website. It has a vast database of artists and labels which can be followed on page, by email or RSS news feed.

Basically, what it enables you to do is follow artists, bands or labels that you are interested in to get up to date news whenever they are made available.

The service collect news, reviews, audio and video, and makes it available on the website. You can use these four main categories as filters, so that you may only get review news and not news, audio or video content news.

The audio category is a very appealing category on the website. Users can play the music that is listed in that category. The frontpage of Cloud Speakers comes with an mp3 player that shows and plays the latest mp3 posted on the site as well. (A similar feature is available on individual artists pages)

A source is provided next to each news item to read the complete news article or review on the original website. Although there are a few reasons why using Cloud Speakers might be a good idea there are some that stick out. The first is that it is possible to follow artists by RSS news feed or email update. That's indeed a nice feature if you are a hot blooded fan and crave for news on your favorite artists.

The second is music discovery. It is possible to play music on the website which might give a user the opportunity to find new artists that he likes.

It is interesting to note that Cloud Speakers is missing many of the social news portals features like commenting on news, rating music or making friends. That's a refreshing change for some users while others will probably miss those features dearly.

Music Business News
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Music Business News
Cloud Speakers is a music news aggregation service that you may use to follow artists and labels to stay up to date all the time.
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  1. Martin said on August 31, 2008 at 11:36 am

    here you go paddy ;)

  2. Patrick said on August 31, 2008 at 11:35 am

    Link pls for us lazy people ;)

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