Torrent2exe makes Bittorrent a tad easier

Torrent2Exe is a small application that takes any torrent file as input and converts the file to a tiny Bittorrentexecutable file.
The Bittorrent protocol has gone a long way since its beginning, and applications have become increasingly easier to use for most users. Most torrent clients come with lots of settings though; they let you change upload and download speeds, ports, priority, and a lot more. While they work out of the box just fine for most users, experienced users usually like to modify settings to optimize the downloading and seeding further.
The concept of using Bittorrent clients to download files is however harder to explain to users who work with a computer but are not tech-savvy. Instead of telling these users to install a Bittorrent client to load the torrent which in turn will download the files the torrent links to, one could also point them to a simpler solution that is just an executable file that requires zero configuration.
Torrent2exe is a web application that can turn any torrent file into an executable. The torrent can be selected from an URL, or from the computer of the user creating the executable.
The only other option that you have to pick is whether you want to distribute the torrent with the full client, or with a web installer. The latter downloads the required program bits on the Internet on first run.
The partial download does not make much sense in my opinion because the size of the full client is only about 500 Kilobytes. The size of the partial client was about a tenth of that figure. Then again, if you plan to distribute the executable file, you will save a lot of bandwidth if users download the program files during first run.
After the download completes the program reminds users to continue seeding. The default setting is to seed the full size of the downloaded torrent once, but another size can be set instead if that is preferred.
Closing Words
Torrent2exe is an excellent application especially for companies who would like to distribute large files without having to offer the downloads directly, or having to explain and troubleshoot downloading via Bittorrent clients.

How to download this
Waw this is great!!!…. i love this!!! you can download even if your company is behind firewall…. it feels like a direct download…nice!!